Natalie is in our bed, asleep. I just crawled in and she said, "Mom?... Mom? This is a cheese over banana... Zzzsnrrrksnumb *SNORE*"
A literal snore, right at the end of her sentence.
Today she and Sylvana built a time machine out of the recycling. It runs on tokens, which they also made. Except, as she explained to me, normal time machines don't work so this is an AGE machine. It changes your age, but only for an hour. It was easier to build. Alas, only kids fit inside, so it doesn't change your outside body. Just your inside one. For an hour.
Things she loves: manga, biking, going across the street to run errands at Rite-Aid, her new pierced ears, jokes about butts, snuggles, and inventing. Her comic timing is flawless. It's a problem. Today, apparently she and
Dilletante spent a while discussing twins, triplets, clones, and the nature of identity. She always asks the good questions.
Seven years old: I'm a big fan, I think. Best yet.