+ Cafe near my office sells hot grits in the morning!
- The tub next to them apparently contains margarine, and now so do I
++ Ran a 5k on Sunday
- Stressed my knee a little bit
++++ Biked to the start
+++++++++ Have been biking ever since, after a 3-month hiatus
+++++++++ No seriously. Biking changes everything. I'm smiling.
- Lost one of my pink horns
+ Have made glow-in-the-dark light-up horns to replace them
-/+ Job not awesome, but not sucky
+ Have realized that "I don't like my job" -- not "I don't like being the person who does my job", but "I structurally disagree with the position, in the abstract, and would like to change it", and even have a plan for doing so, with my boss who I like
- Recently didn't get chosen for an awesome job at MIT
+ Have an all-day interview tomorrow for another cool-sounding job in Kendall Square
+ Natalie accepted to two good schools for first grade, after rejecting French school
+ Local neighborhood public school actually sort of bringing their hippie niche program to the whole schol and I love it there
+/- The luxury of multiple acceptable but very, very different school choices makes me tear my hair out
+ Been reorganizing my bedroom and it looks freaking awesome
+ Also I know where my sweaters are now, and nothing is mildewing
- Shelves don't fit around the water meter
+ Looking out the window at a dude in a rowboat in the sun, on the river, which is sparkling with reflected light, and feeling - just in this moment - simple and happy.