Jan 11, 2010 10:59
So, I think of myself as a pretty observant person. Or, at least, someone who notices a lot of details, right? Right. Imagine my surprise, then, last night, when I was leaving a friend's house and noticed an enormous framed photo of mine hanging on their wall, which I had not only failed to notice all evening but ALSO failed to notice when I ATE DINNER in that room last week.
I've had more observant months.
In other news, it's proving to be extremely hard to get back on the portrait train after taking a break over the holidays. When I've done the 100 days projects in the past, it has always helped to make the photography a daily practice. Maybe the fact that I'm allowing myself some lag in between photo-taking and photo-posting is what's making it easier to let the days slip by with no photos. Anyway, I have to fix that, and soon.
So, a Publick Notice! If I'm in the same room with you this month (and there are no kids underfoot and I'm not in a crowded hallway &c &c), you are hereby invited to ask me to take your portrait, because there's a good chance I'll say yes, okay, right now, come on, let's go. Let's do it.