procrastinator's guild

Jan 21, 2002 17:38

Why is it that I can absolutely throw myself into some projects, but others just sit there and fester while I spend all day reading my email? I can't seem to figure out my unconscious sorting mechanism. Sometimes I do ugly and un-fun projects just to get them over with, leaving piddly little tasks sitting there unfinished. Sometimes I cherry-pick and only do the stuff I consider to be interesting. Other times I actually muster up the energy to do everything that needs doing. Why?

I think the answer is that work is too boring to bother with. The alternatives, though, are scary: go find a new job, throw myself into the peacegeeks project, quit and become a teacher or a writer or a starving artist... I don't think I'm ready to become a student again, though, so at least I'm safe from that. Hm.

Lovely weekend. Looks like the landlord might actually replace our boiler, ensuring us the luxury of a house heated to a habitable temperature 24/7. Lots of happy time - happy con time, happy David time, happy I-get-to-wear-my-horns-in-public-again time. Happy happy happy. Doesn't make for a scintillating entry, but it makes for a good life.

Wedoff appears to be offering to chip in for a power rack for lifting. Cool. My goal: to do pullups by summer.

work, user input time, by-x, happy

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