as much as i hate to admit it...

Nov 17, 2005 21:06

I had a group presentation today about women in classical hollywood film and we discussed in length that women are expected to grow up, get married, and become baby-making machines. We are so much more than simply baby-making machines, we're our own person without a man by our side, we are independent and successful career women. We can also be mothers, friends, and lovers. But the most important thing is that we're not contained to one category, one place, we can be all these things or none of them. We are free, we can be anything we want, we no longer have to be opressed by a male-dominated society, or at least as much. I feel as if we're backed up against a wall, though. If we're single then we're man-haters and doomed to be spinsters. If we get married or we're in a relationship then we need a man because we're too weak without one. I dont see why it has to be one or the other. And I dont understand why single girls are lambasted for admitting that they're lonely, for admitting that they want to fall in love, be loved, for admitting that yes, they do want that special someone in their life. I dont see anything wrong with this. It's not just a girl thing, and I'm tired of us getting the blame. What it is is a human condition. We all want to be in love. It's as simple as that. There's no point in denying it because we all know it's true. Deep in our hearts, that's what we yearn for. It doesnt matter if we're workaholics or homemakers, we all want the same thing.

I guess I really dont know where I'm going with this, but I know that I do want to fall in love. I do want to meet the guy that will make me laugh till my insides hurt, that will make me cry because it hurts to let go. I just want at least one memory, one experience that I can have forever. I dont want to leave without knowing what it's like. I would take one moment of something incredibly special, for a lifetime of nothing. I would. I just hope...I hope my wanting is not in vain. That I'm not destined to be alone.
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