me in a nutshell at the moment:

Jun 08, 2006 00:50

okay, so now i've been super worried about someone since may 21st when i got a pretty disturbing text message...i leave a voice mail that same day, two emails since the 28th, and a text message yesterday. i finally got a response saying i'd receive an email or a call today, but haven't. that worries me. she doesn't do that. my mind is running wild.

are online personals sad?

i was so bored the other night that i started a myspace page. i probably won't do much with it.

work needs to start up again so i can get paid. i'm getting a little short on moola. i stocked up a bit, but i've had some minor setbacks, like my 3rd out of 4 windows on my car to break!

i had a lovely lunch with my sister and marcia today. it's always a good time with them. marcia calls me "sweet pea" and says that she feels like she's going out to eat with her daughters. she's so funny and charismatic.

well, i guess that's it for now. i need to sleep so i can actually be productive tomorrow.™
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