Starts off fairly normal, for me. Drinking antics with a selection of people from past and present. Funky rides. At Bowlplex at some point.
My Bedroom with cousins, trying to sleep, diggin up old photos from sentimental places and thinking about old school friends, odd, didn't recognise half the people. Then look out of window to see a middle-old agedlady wondering around our back garden with her dog. A piece of the fence seems to have come away. It's the garden from my old house in Wedgewood Rd, and supposedly that house, but it looked different.
The lady then picks up a frying pan attached to a bbq fryer type thing from in the garden and starts to walk away with it. So I opened the window and call out to her and ask her to bring it back. She's defiant and tells me not to shout at her and walks off. So I climb out of the window and chase after her, she won't bring it back. I follow her, and she does the cartoon run thing with a zoom, but I chase her to her house in Higgins Ln, but it's become a cul-de-sac for this dream. And demand it back but the young guy in the house won't give it back either, so I pick up a small kids bike, and say 'fine I'm taking this' and run off. But some black kids chase me from the house. I run, but throw the bike back at them telling them I don't actually want it, I just want the damn bbq back, she has no right to take it. They're kind of understanding and agree but can't get it back. I return home, and ask Roy next door to fix the fence. Dad comes home and I explain what's gone on, so we can do something about it. And Roy's fixing the fence with some greta help from a truck and a putting cement wall back up as well as the wooden fence.
Dad's come back with Rebecca... and obviously the baby. Slightly disturbing. He doesn't really see anything wrong with it, but after what's happened all day I'm particularly angry about it. She's pregnant again too. And he doesn't care who's baby it is. It obviously isn't his though. And I moan at him but he still doesn't seem to have any doubts about anything she did.
And so all I remember from crazy dream with some content, huh.