Jun 03, 2010 22:10
Currently crocheting (all alliteration is unintentional though not underappreciated - after all, coincidence is creation) a fingerless glove fancifully titled "Afternoon tea fingerless glove", though I am by no means a tea drinker - practically blasphemy where I come from, not to mention awkward to keep explaining all the time. Anyway, one thing I love about crochet, and possibly the reason I picked it up with such a vengeance, is how it gives your mind free reign to wander where it will. Something I've spent the last three years or so exclusively training my mind to do (a little alarming when you quantify the time like that and realize it has been , yes "years", that dreadful dreaded word, since you last did anything that could be considered 'productive', 'useful', or (yes more dreadful words) 'contributory' / 'participatory' in the greater common cattle drive we've been taught to call 'life'.
Anyway, so the sentence that popped into my head was, this is the first garment (if you can call a lace glove that - though why not, my bikini is quite possibly just as skimpy, though not quite as holey) that I have single-handedly created (well, am in the process of creating, but that's good enough for me, usually - to conceive is to produce, I feel - a dreamer's excuse). Almost simultaneously, the awareness of using two hands to do something single-handedly popped into my head. That got me thinking, are there really things we do single-handedly, when technically speaking ( and here I speak only for the vast majority of us fortunate enough to be in possession of both our hands, whatever else we may or may not have) its always a pair of hands that we have at our disposal, and engaged in practically every task we undertake. Well, scratching was one that instantly came to mind, right after, I must admit, wiping one's bottom, which really was the first single-handed (ha! pun slipped in) task that popped into my head. What can I say, vive scatologists!
Next time: woolgathering. That's another one I love