Nov 10, 2006 05:20
In fact. I am just that. The woman on the radio is singing about how it is a good Friday morning and I am quite unable to comprehend. What is so good about it? The fact that it is Friday morning and I should be sleeping. The fact that I've been trying to sleep for quite sometime and I just ended up serenading my roomate and my stuffed animals and everyone else who cared to listen in a very terrible voice. I went from fearing that I wouldn't wake up for my classes to realizing that I am actually not going to be getting any sleep anyway. Hopefully after my terrible English class is over at 12 I will stay awake until Stacy tells me we are going to the beach at 2.
Last night...considering its AM now, was quite fun. I got some homework done hung out with the sir and the ladies. Haha what an interesting night actually. We were supposed to have dinner at Kellis house which I was stoked for because apparantly Anthony makes a mean stir fry which I have been craving since the weekend. It got pushed to Tuesday boo. I hung out in his room and listened to some new music and he was just going absolutely nuts and he's like, "Imagine me driving to this song!" What a nutcase for real. So I told him he must put it on a CD so that when we take our trip we can drive to that song. Good stuff. Apparantly I'm possibly being the new addition to the girls group which would be fun. I need some quality group-ness. I am very content with the way things are going right now. Way content. Let's just say I need to be a rockstar in all my classes and actually go to them from now on and I will be super happy.
Apparantly sleeping all the time/ not sleeping and not eating are signs of depression. Who knew? I think I am alright. I am just stressed a bit. But not even really. Maybe I am who knows.
I got an entire box of ceral tonight. Good berry lucky charms and I knocked the shit outta that! Its almost gone and we almost had a huge problem if I didn't get my milk back. BTW I am the victor of a slap war. I rocked that shit out and won. Although somone claims that they did doubles and got me like 70 times in a row which so did not happen not even close! I also kick ass at catching things in my mouth. Yeah Im just good.
Maybe going home for Thanksgiving. We have to see how this whole thing works out. I'm rather nervous about going home now. I just shouldn't go home til break. But I wanna see my Q girls and my girls in general and some of my guys and I just wanna see all my friends.
Oh my god today is going to be a fucking long day. I feel it already. Can I make it to dinner? It would be excellent to go out tonight with the girls or Court or someone and just drink alittle and sleep like a baby tonight. I am neither gaining nor losing weight. It needs to go pronto.
When I get really sleepy I just talk and talk and become rediculous. Thats the state that I am in now. The rediculous state. Maybe next year I will join a sorrority. They don't look as awesome at Barry as some do at other schools but making more friends who I will become close to sounds good. Especially since I am already friends with some of the girls in each sorrority. Who would have thought. College does change people. Oh btw. I like Starbucks somewhat. Caramel Macciatto. And the Pumpkin spice frap. I dono I am fucking weird as hell. Does the word Weird follow the whole i before e rule. I can never figure it out because the word looks correct spelt weird but then again if it follows that rule its wierd. Word.
I have such bad stummy pains ATM that I dono what I want to do with myself. I think I'm past the point of sleeping. I just need to stay awake for the rest of the day. Hopefully. My mind will change right after breakfast. Fo rizzle