Sen. Reid introduces pro-choice legislation package

Jan 08, 2007 12:48

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has introduced the Prevention First Act (S.21) which will increase Title X funding. What will that do? The Guttmacher Institute recently reported that an increase in Title X funds can prevent hundreds of unintended pregnancies every year, by strengthening family-planning programs for low income women, ensuring victims of rape have immediate access to EC in the emergency rooms (which, in Catholic hospitals, rape victims often have no information about or access to), and best of all taking steps to mandate accurate and comprehensive federally funded sex ed. So, get on the horn to your Senator and ask them to cosponsor this bill. The house will be introducing an identical bill soon.

Dear Senator Salazar,

Please join Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, as well as Senators Clinton, Schumer, Obama, Kerry, Kennedy, Murray, Boxer, Akaka, Inouye, Leahy, Lautenberg, Menendez and Harkin in cosponosring the Prevention First Act, S.21.

This comprehensive bill will take important, proactive steps toward reducing the number of unintended pregnancies in our country and in Colorado by increasing funding for Title X family planning programs. With more funding, Title X can reach more women at risk for unintended pregnancies and strengthen sex education and public awareness.

I urge you to join your colleagues in cosponsoring this important package of preventative pro-choice legislation.



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All you in Washington should especially harass that wench Cantwell to get behind this.


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