A Few Notes

Jun 11, 2007 20:29

Okay, its been a week and already my frustration level is higher then I would like.

So I want to put a few thoughts and comments out there:

A) I know what I'm doing. I may goof around and make silly/weird comments, but I do get the job done.
B) I'm not going to kill us. You don't have to be so terrified in the car; yes the road is twisty and windy as all hell, but we aren't going to die or even be hurt. Honest. Just because you don't like driving/are scared of it doesn't mean I am.
C) Just because I don't go to a conservatory and you do does not mean you know more. Seriously, I don't need a reminder to lock my stitches - I forgot on one seam, give me a break it happens to everyone.
D) I'm trying to be friendly, how about you try as well? I talk and tell things about myself and such in hopes that you will as well... I'm tired of one sided conversations.
E) I understand you were taught how to do everything the "Right Way". Unfortunately with 80 plus costumes for just one of the shows we don't have that much time. Does it look decent up close? Will it look good from stage? Will it fall apart after 1 wearing? If the answers are Yes Yes and No, in that order, then let it go.
F) No, we don't need chalk, a serger, a fancy hem gauge, or a ham. Yes we do do with out - barbaric I know. *rolls yes* We do with out, and do it well.
G) Terry is god. Learn to appreciate it!
H) I'm staying absolutely sober this summer - you damn well better appreciate it. Though you could be nice and offer to drive a time or two at a party so I can have a drink now and again. I love soda, but come on! Please take the initiative on this one.
I) I envy you're bedroom door. If that dog jumps on me one more morning I think I may kill it... ooo! Potential! Piss me off and I'm gonna open the door to your room for the animals *evil snicker*

End notes.

I'm done now! That felt good. Woo.
How's everyones summer? I don't talk to many of you anymore.
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