It's a major Monday at work, which I can totally forget now that it's done with. I had to skip lunch, hypoglycemia makes me supercranky. IF someone offered me his/her head last few hours, I would've bitten it off DrJin gory style.
But mostly I haven't had my daily dose of I Live in Cheongdam Dong and I'm turning into a dagnabbitwererabbit.
I started a bulk dl of SUFBB last night just in prep for the end of ILICDD when I will definitely go batshxt...yeah Aug3rd, next Fri. I'll mostly stay away fr any gadget. I wont terrorize, and instead will curl inside my bed with blankets around me muffling my wails and sobs and CRIES and @$^%#^*&@%^!$%@$#%DONT GO~~!
And you know what? Instead of SUFBB, I dl'd FlowerBoy Ramyun Shop by mistake.
Is FBRS watchable? I know nth about it because when it's airing I have no mood for flowery fluff. I like JIW alright, but since RoI he has steadily downgraded himself. Then there's Lee ChungAh whom I kinda still have a soft spot for fr Temptation of Wolves. BUT it's again some flaky teacher and her much younger HS flowerboy student. I'm fresh off royally bored, so bored I cease to care to be pissed by BIG 15+16. Can I handle this?!?!?