If you can hear some crazy hollering of 'MY PRECIOUSSSS~!', No, that LoTR didn't replay itself for the nth time, It's me, throat going gone sore of unmentionables I did to my screens.
*psst: Loverboy, u just got yourself a whole imperial palace full of wifeys, concubines, gfs, and even bfs claims @ weibo. These NOT helping the wildire.
ahhh BIN~!!!
MyBinnie will celebrate his big 3-0 running in a charity marathon as Marine KTP. AHHHHHHH, why are my biases sooooo freaken perfect and awesome?!?!?!??!
I'm planning to do my little trailrunning and think of him every tree of the way, hard to not pic his longlonggggg legs seeing those trunks, u know?!!!!