Trailer is out, I'm not as excited fr the looks of things than I anticipated except ONE split second concerning some plastic water smashing. Hated most: the lady dubbing for TY, what a disaster!! WHY?!
YH, no lines, barely a second of screentime in the trailer, already is leagues above the rest of the dudes. Sorry Raymond Lam and the other facetwin of yours C celeb, failing in my grading...or you should apologize to me for not surprising me and my expectation of you is so low I anticipated the surprise.
I did manage to sound decently head screwed right, no?!
What IS THIS?!?! You are not only singing a song in Ad Mania, you wrote the lyrics?! Give me a break and stop being more than my exact kind of dreamy, ok?! OKAY?!?! Call me nuts but I hope he's a GODawful singer, coz I honestly fear my sanity forever lost IF he's any good and I'll fangirl that part of him as well when I thought I CANT fangirl any bits of him MORE.
Maybe, at the nick of time... (by Yuan Hong, halfassed trans by moi)
You will be here, if I have more courage...
I would be by your side, watching the beauty of the sunset.
You will not leave, with a bit more luck..
another me, amidst the intoxicating lights of night.
Maybe, at the nick of time,
just uttering of meaningless words.
In the lonely, bitter,
sleepless cold nights, all's left is memories of the past.
Maybe, can't make it on time.
How much I wished to go back in time,
Why, not till the regrets, the wounds...
can we finally grasp how to never let go?
June 7th, this song will be out. That is a wk fr now, 7 short days! I'm not ready to brace my ultimate flailing!
And while almost my whole heart is swollen with anticipation of his every scene in Ad Mania, I'm even anticipating his Aussie travelogue MORE. How can that be?!?!? When my crazy self is conscious of me being crazier by every TT pic of his Aussie stint, am I falling into some Inception shiz I'm never snapping out of?!?!?!?!
I cant repost those damningly cute/cool/yummy/OMFG! pics of his. I can't , coz I do fear I'll be so crazily droolzing nonstop and loling at his silliness at the same time of swooning that I'll be locked up in a asylum by my concerned family. *he's a pirate, driving his Harley, and in a tight wet suit while reinacting the a 20000000X hotter Run! Forrest! Run! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All I can is to stake my claim he's MINE! coz his only exciting hooking up of the ladies is a dolphin! His crushing involves him wanting to you jump! I jump! and be on a swimming date.
See I brainmeld with HIM!!! I hiked the bloody windy Golden Gate bridge in HEELS for crushing on porpoises, and with the sight of them, I almost jump/got blown into the bay in the BLOODY gusts to my freezing death and will be swimming/floating all corpse with them.
I consider this pic of mine my very subtle farfetching stake on the YH ownership.