I had a nice day at work, am waiting for a nice dinner out, dl'd ma dramas (49D I LUB YOUUU!!!, BestLove/CSW ahjusshi, I <3 U!)
I know about the selling of some pic bk by the Marines on that little squad with a certain #2101 in it. I don't like it, of coz, but I'm no longer 'surprised' by the insanity, just my achy achy heart for KTP. I'm sure binnie is numb by now, and I hope he doesn't have to read or hear of all the nonsense spun by the press.
Fr what I gathered, this is what happened:
1. Someone higher up in Marines than lil' 2101 had the idea of milking a pictorial bk out of Marine 2101. They can make some $$ (REALLY?!?! is it LEGAL?!?) and get publicity out of it of course! In the past, there is a fund for making such publications, and it's free for the public to obtain a copy, but for some odd reason, they are proposing selling this issue for profit/'promotion'.
2, Tabloids caught the wind, and spin it into all forms of silly (AM management is disputing with the Marines on 'wages'...) This is denied by AM management's PR rep:
@boyoungmoon 현빈 해병대 화보.. 소속사에서는 이 건에 대해서 잘 알지도 못했는데 무슨 출연료에 관해 얘기를 했겠어요. 군복무 잘하고 있는 그저 한 명의 군인인데.. 조용히 지내게 해줬으면 좋겠습니다.
(My E trans based on C trans, thanks to 嗜睡猪猪@ weibo: AM has no knowledge of the pictorial in making by the Marines, therefore it's impossible for us to have a dispute over compensation. We sincerely hope he can lead a quiet life in the Marines as a normal member of the force. Please stop spreading the rumor of disputes in pay or other aspects btn the management and the Marines, that is made up by the TV report (SBS 8pm news 5/11/11). We made a clear statement already yesterday.)
3. Fr what the dear C binniedearies r TTing on weibo, the Marines r now saying this is not a pictorial, but the usual pamphlet documenting life of the cadets in training. He is not the focus. Towards the untruthful reporting by SBS, they express their regrets and will perform the necessary actions.
I'm appalled. APPALLED! This is getting ugly, and I'm astounded if this is really going to sell for a profit, what about the strict rules and regulations of the conduct in enlistment (in not obtaining any profit during enlistment pertaining to...the enlistment?!?!?!) and really, Marines, if this is JUST untruths spun by SBS (I highly doubt SBS dares make this up without even some idea this is baking the oven), penalize them, I NEED to see it and a real deterrent to all this circus acts/ vaudevillian media nonsense stemming out of one simple guy just trying to serve his country, damn it!