Strongest Bromance: Hu Ge/ Yuan Hong

Jul 15, 2010 20:25

This is just for my fun.   I love glorious manlove more than anything. If we've watched our healthy dose of wuxia, we would have heard enough reincarnations of  'Xiong Di!' uttered between blood brothers in any high octane bromance-licious scene.  In one of my fav scenes fr LoCH08 :

Jing GeGe is moved to near tears hearing his KangDi saying the magic words for the first time:

Jing GeGe asks his Kang Di in shock to repeat and they enjoy some chest bumping,  frolicking and hand holding:

'Ge Er Men' 哥兒們 is a slangier term I kept hearing fr them referring to each other in RL, a pet name for bros, They often add adjectives like 特铁 ('super iron' = absolutely irrefutable) just to emphasize their strongest bond.
Seriously, IF these 2 ever stop being BFF, I'll be shattered and devastated beyond repair.

They both appeared at the SH drama festival renewing contracts w/ TengRen recently.

HuGe: ' One need to repay a droplet of debt, by a lake-ful of gratitude'  This is the most natural progression of events.  I've been w/ Yuan Hong since 2003.  We sing karaoke together, work together, he's like my family.  How well we jelled....there is no need  for a piece of paper in contract.'
Yuan Hong:  'It doesnt matter if we're eating together, drinking together, working together, playing together,  we've been tog for so long.  No matter what, we'll stick together.''

ME: They even used the same words! :))

Picspam:  HuGe + Yuan Hong + kitten + panda

I want!!

[fr baidu YH bar]

To chronicle their love, they verse it in their tweets for the world to see:

**just cutting and pasting and doing the translation that I hope can keep the 'flavor' of their colorful lovey dovey tweets.  My knowledge of mandarin/mainland slangs is nonexistant, so at  times I dont get what the heck they're talking about. ;P **

2010 -02-04
HG: 终于洋气地3G了 可除了上微博还能干嘛 谁能告诉我
YH: 号码给过来。除了上围脖之外,咱也可以激情视频了……
HG: 符合各项条件 能和我激聊的也只有兄弟你了 我可以不吃香菜 你也别吃太辣 哈哈
HG: Finally I have 3G, what else can I do w/ it other than minibloggin, who can tell me?
YH: Send your # over.  Other than miniblogging, we can make some sizzling hot videos....
HG: meeting all the criteria, and there's only you, bro, who can chat passionately w/ me.  I will stop eating my parsley, can you cut your spicy food?! HAHA

TangYan (fr CP3): 阿拉也是3G哈哈哈~
HG: 老袁 有人主动加入了 3G成三人了 咱能不对着手机整头发吗 你答应我不照镜子 我保证不傻笑 本来挺洋气的事儿 被咱俩弄得特二 三人会好点吧 啊
YH: 三人?我没试过,你试过吗?
TangYan (Zi Xuan fr CP3): I have 3G as well hahaha~
HG: OldYuan, someone is joining, 3G is 3P now!  Can we ban fixing our hair in front of our phone?  If you promise me not to preen, I'll promise I wont smile like a dork.  It started as some advance Western the hands of us 2, it's now extremely douchy, w/ 3 of us, it should be better, right?
YH: 3P?  I have never tried it before, have you?

HG: 宜家热狗套餐 五块钱一份 可乐无限续杯 在此提出批评 理由1 诱发犯罪 还让不让人减肥了 理由2 扰乱市场 门口便利店的可乐还让不让人卖了 品尝后释然 严重兑水 无心续杯 值得表扬 宜家真贴心 便宜没好货
郭晓婷:你被老 袁附身了。。。
YH: 为啥是被我附身?我在学医画画,没附他啊。。。
HG: Ikea's hotdog meal is $5 RMB, unlimited coke refill.  This is my rant: 1.  crime enabling, there's no way jose anyone can lose wt now, huh?  2. market messing monopoly  Is there any chance the convenient store right outside can sell any cola?  After the meal, I'm less cranky, severely dehydrated...I refilled my cup.  This needs a compliment, Ikea is very considerate...but nth good is cheap!!!
郭晓婷: You r being possessed by OldYuan... (he's usu the pissed at society, ranty one)
YH: Why is he possessed by me?  I've been reading medicine and painting painting!  I did not possess him...  [he's working on set in a period medical comedy as a famous doctor's silly apprentice]

HG: 豆瓣上有个小组 叫‘丢脸不是两三次’ 哥们儿说凭我的资历完全可以担任组长 有时候 我也会怀疑自己是否在某些方面真的很白痴 曾经有人批评我不要把戏里的形态带到生活中来 那样会让人觉得是在哗众取宠 可事实上我那些悲喜交加的糗事都是无意为之的 比如刚才在厨房用煤气点烟 把头发点着了
HG:... My friends r telling me I can be the threadmaster of  ' when embarrassments rain, it pours'  in forums. There are times, when I seriously wonder if I'm extremely retarded in some dept (his nick is Xiao Bai (whitey) widely thought of  stemming fr his pale skintone, but it's referring to his idiotic tendencies (白痴)).....It's not my intention...just like I was lighting a cig in the kitchen's gas stove and I burnt my hair.

[to which YH snarked w/ a twitpic... and leaked out HG got lost in Ikea..]
YH: head of hair pre-burnt

YH: 演员的幸福在于,你可以有机会在某些瞬间用YY的方式体验各式各样的人生;演员的悲剧在于,不管你多么喜欢那种人生,它永远都只是不真实的瞬间。所以,最 好的方法是,喜欢自己的人生,尽管自己的人生中更多的是“被动体验”。
YH: An actor's blessing is you have outrageous chances to experience all these different lives in split seconds; the tragedy in being an actor is no matter how much you adore that particular life experience, it will always be a moment of make-belief.  The best way to tackle it is, love the life you are living, even if my own life is made up of much more ' passive experience'
[He tweeted in discussion of a genius PS'd pic of Nic Tse and a popular singer (whose image is very tomboyish) at a biggie award show's red carpet where their heads were switched, fans not amused, that's an understatement']

HG: before zooming the pic,  it can be the 2 of us 'gleefully' being PS'd.  When I zoomed in, it REALLY looks like us.  A tragedy, bro! HAHA
[HG's nick is Little White, YH's nick is Little Red, HG did not look closely at pic at all, did not recogn Nic Tse and the super popular Chinese idol popstar...and thought it's some random PS YH is tweeting about and jumped to jabbing at themselves]

LSS: 我们家咕噜又肥了~越肥我越爱~小样多傻多可爱啊~
LSS: My cat GuLu has gained wt again~  I love her more the fatter she is~ look at how cute and silly!~

HG: 这张照片里只有你嘛...越肥越可爱...嘿嘿
YH: 盯着小图看了八秒没发现猫在哪,可是大图又不知怎么点不开,于是凑近看,当时我的脸离屏幕只有0.01公分,但百分之一柱香之后,大图突然弹开,吓我一 跳,这猫脸是怎么长的跟大饼似的?
HG: There's only you in the pic... the fatter you are, the cuter, keke
YH: I was staring at the thumbnail and I did not find where the cat's at.  And I cant open up the pic for some reason, so... I stuck my face as close as I can to see it, at that particular instance, my face was 0.01 cm fr the screen, BUT after a time lapse of 1/100 of an incense burnt, the picture suddenly came up! Geez was I jumped!  How come the face of that cat is like a pancake?!

HG: 那一年,我花二十五块钱给单车安了个后座。于是,我有了女朋友。我载着她去了很多地方,许下了很多不着边际的誓言。我以为,这就是浪漫。后来,我拆了后 座,载她去了更多的地方。风轻轻扬起她的长发,轻轻吹走了我的誓言...并不是每个女孩都喜欢浪漫,她们喜欢的,是你的幼稚。
HG: That year, I spent $25 for an extra seat on my bike.  Therefore,  I got a gf.  I've taken her to many places, made a lot of frilly promises.  I thought, this is romance.  Afterwards, I took down the backseat....I took her to many more places.  The wind whispered lightly on her hair, it also blew away my promises... not every girl likes romance, what they've fallen for, was your naivete.

YH: 我问某人,说的是你吗?答曰:我那时确实是 长发,但我怎么记得那时坐的是前座呢?我比较信服坐前座的说法,其好不胜收之处实践过的都知道,幼稚如我们的,都懂的
YH: I asked that someone, 'Is that you?'  She said, ' I did have long hair back then, but why did I rem I was sitting in the front seat?' I'm more convinced of this front seat arrangement.  For all of us that's been there, done that, we all got the beauty of it.  Even when we're naive, we knew...
[I'm  quite clueless in the winking.... is it the scent of the girl's hair when she's sitting up front?! I'm the only naive one here]


YH: 网上查了一下,说山西六月十号左右地震只是 众多“地震谣言”版本中的一种。还查到:专家称阳曲地震与玉树无关 原震区不会再有强震。妈妈滴,看在小爷实在困意难挡的份上,姑且再信你一次,希望不是最后一次。敢再晃点我,爷就彻底投靠蛤蟆教去。自制地动仪一枚,睡!
HG: 大清早起来研究你的自制地动仪 越看越饿 鸡蛋 巧克力和康师傅。。。哥们儿 你连震后物资都备好了 实在是高啊
YH: 容易吗我,房间里能吃的能喝的我全放床头了,要不是地方不够大,我就把佛祖耶稣太上老君小泽玛丽亚全供上了
蔡艺侬:在枕 边放几个鸡蛋吧,起码睡觉时一有震,鸡蛋会滚动到脸上叫醒你,保重!
HG: 你怎么确定"一有震" 鸡蛋一定会"滚动到脸上"呢 不如说:一有震 小鸡们都破壳而出 叽叽喳喳叫醒你 地震砖家也能听得到

YH: (he experienced an earthquake on set middle of night, ranting on how primitive and inaccurate the Chinese seismic system (predicting there wont be any more),  to the point it's better to trust the toads, his words.)  IF they r messing it up again, I'll worship wholeheartedly the Toad Skill (a la OuYang Feng's clan) I've made my own seismograph, zzzzz!
HG: I woke up at the break of dawn and studied your DIY seismograph...the longer I stared at it, the hungrier I got, an egg, chocolate and bowl noodles... Ge Men Er, u even have your post-quake resources handy, bravo!
YH: A piece of cake for me, everything that can be eaten or drank, I put it all on my nightstand.  If I'm not cramped for space, I would put the Buddha, Jesus Christ, my ancestor Lord LaoZi, Maria Ozawa (J porn idol)... all on the pedestal
ladyboss Karen; put couple eggs close to your pillow... at least if there's a quake when u r sleeping, the egg may fall on your face to wake you.  Take care!!
HG: How to be sure if there's a quake the egg WILL fall on the face?  How about:  When where's a quake, the little chicks will be popped out of their shells and chirped you awake?!  Maybe the seismologists can hear their chirps as well.
YH: 经过了两年的等待,由我主演的历史大戏#<天地民心>将于今晚开始在央视八套八点档每晚三集连播,请各位在看世界杯之前将电视转到央视八套。看在我好不容易这么严肃正经的说一件事的份上, 敬请转发,敬请收看~~~
HG: 破丝袜 断锦袖 西门挺东宫 蓝光耀天地 民心势长红 哈哈哈
YH: 这……这个……扯破一下丝袜也就罢了,断袖这事,咱俩再商榷商榷呗。蓝光耀天地,民心势长虹,哈哈
YH: 2 yrs of waiting, historical epic w. me as lead actor will premiere on CCTV8 3 eps/night.  Please tune on CCTV8 before the World Cup matches.  For the sake of how rare an occasion that I'll say sth all properly and serious, please retweet...and please watch the drama~~
HG:  Torn pantyhose, broken padded sleeves (ie brokeback the Chinese way), XiMen (notorious C Casanova) rooting for the East Palace (the queen's proper dwellings).  Blue Ray illuminates the earth and sky (Tian Di), the hearts of the People (Min Sin) burn in passion. HAHAHA

loverboy, hu ge, miniblog, bromance, yuan hong

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