Thank you~~ Tang Wei! OMG without her sharp funny rapport w/ MC w/ bin, and how buddybuddy she's with HyunBinnie and I bet a bit in the know of what a hyunbinnie fangirl wants, all the hyunbinnie fangirls worldwide wont get their precious ringtone atm. Yes, I've made my hubs called me fr the other rm twice this am just so i can roll around in fangirl delirium with hb saying ' munja washung! HB washung(is here)!' that SG ringtone just got @#%$*better.
here it is w/ c subs ( thanks to dearies at baidu)!
did I say I love TangWei? like loveloveloveeeee? she's talented and absolutely blew me away in Crossing Hennessy, a delightful slice of life little romance set in Wanchai, HK...( I love her perf there more than LC).
I love her in interviews, there's a frankness that is not abrasive, and she's so sharp and such a ball of fun!
I've done a quick trans of the cutest interview:
It started w. MC showing her some ahjusshis ppl say binnie resembles. HB agrees. TW gives binnie a good look, asks, ' is that ur dad?' binnie (and we all) lolz XD
Then we go to an SG scene where JW is complimenting RI she's the 'shuai-est'. fans r saying HB is shuai-est, fangirl proposing...(wow there r 2 fanboys there!) and binnie, though embarrassed, is beaming and v vainly happy.
bck to business, binnie makes a formal intro of himself and thanks fans for watching his movie. Though a bit late, he wishes all a happy new year! MC then asks hb to say tw's intro 4 her.
TW to bin: Thank you
BIN: Best actress, TW!
[Synopsis of Manchu]
TW then says her hello in diff languages.
'I had a hard time walking in my dress all of yesterday, hb's been holding me all the time, he's such a gentleman.'
MC: life's not fair, hb is gorgeous and a perfect gentleman'
TW: just like what his fans said he's like a prince/ dark knight yesterday, wearing head to toe black. And I go, 'hm, word! he really does personify that in the pics' (HB shrugs w/ a too obvious happy grin)
HB: while we r filming, I'm really attracted by how beautiful Anna is, as a human being. And TW is really gorgeous.'
TW faces bin say thank you : Xie Xie
Bin: Xie Xie *smile* (DIMPLES!)
MC VO: hb has gained huge popularity and acclaims fr sg. what does he think of his popularity?
Bin: They love JW the char more than HB. I do enjoy the popularity v much atm.
MC to TW: It's hard to start a catch phrase in another country as a foreigner, u did that last nite.
[clip showing TW saying 'HB washung! HB washung!' after being asked what K phrase she's learnt recently]
MC asks TW to repeat.
TW: how bout asking hb to say it? I want to hear it!' binnie DIESSSS HAHAHA
TW: I'm sure a lot of his fans wanna hear it as well!' binnie DIESSSS MORE
MC vo: TW really knows us well!
TW: he'll say his name and they'll make a cute ringtone out of it!
(binnie is looking at ur back of head gf, not all gentlemanly!)
MC vo: TW even grabs mic fr MC, a passionate reporter is born!
HB, all red in embarrassment: A message is here. (line fr SG)
TW: that wont do, HB!
it has to be said twice. that's the proper way.
HB: how bout I say 'A message is here! HB is here!' (hahahahaha, he cant contain fr loling)
HB: Argh! TANG WEI! *jsdgaljhhgfaqssfghjjk arghhhhh so cute*
MC: we cant wait!
TW grabs binnie's wrist and tell him 'u can do it!'
HB: munja washung! HB washun~bwahahaha!
and off he goes to his corner to be cuter.
TW: his fans must be ecstatic! ^^
MC hi5 w/ TW: HB do u want TW to do sth at ur request?
TW reaches out and shakes hb's hands. he's glaring at her. hahaha
TW: he wanna kill me! I can feel it!
MC: oh..HB is pissed?!
HB: that's not true. (lol)
MC to TW: can u repeat HB washung x2?
TW: HB washung~! HB washung~~!
MC: we cant wait to see a whole diff HB. On his improvements in acting, how does HB feel about it?
HB: Actor, this walk of life, is not one that ur popularity/worth will keep on growing. It's like the character 'mountain'(山)
it has its peaks and troughs. All I've been doing is preparing myself if this happens, slowly gaining my momentum.
HB on what he thinks of the enormous amt of love shown by his fans at brink of his MS: 'Of course this in unforgettable. I bet the fans will forget me though. [caption: it is NAY impossible!]
TW: that why u have to say it again!
Binnie, wide-eyed clueless on TW grabbing mic and holding it near him again, burst out in lol when translator told him of TW's devilish plans. (I love TW. let me repeat, I LOVE TW!)
TW: I want to take this opportunity to thank his fans. His fans r really really amazing. They have showered me with many thoughtful, beautiful presents. Thank you fr the bottom of my heart!
TW: Anna and Hoon has an unconventional love story. You have to enjoy it with an open heart! Xie xie!
Bin: I hope this movie can b my present to you. Again, Happy new year! ^^
TW, bin: Manchu, fightin!
MC: TW, HB fighting! TY!
such a happy happy interview! :))))