Feb 10, 2011 12:08

I have, since last nite, got my hands on another several hundreds of binnie pics.
Why, this dude, whenever he's out in open, will yield such a scary amt of pics still, is beyond me.  *not complaining*

He didnt get much sleep still after SG is donedonedonedone, busying himself with a trillion of things.  It shows in many of the pics fr the presscon of ManChu yesterday.

BUT, even deleting those fr my HD, I still have to edit it down to these few:

I love it when he's making this all serious and alert face when he's esp tired and spacey haha, I dunno what kind of superhuman can look like this when beyond tired with no sleep.

I kinda want inner double lids.. u can have the look of both single and double whenever u want...and double the trouble for the girls in his case!

and TangWei is as gorgeous, I love her so much!  i'm as excited to see her as seeing my binnie. And the synergy and fireworks of them TOGETHER!  brain is mushed.

and here TW is making fun of binnie, saying he's sooooo quiet and shy there's no chance he'll fall in love in 3 days but she certainly can! (and she said she picked the project becoz of bin...and she chant that 'I've got message' ringtone fr SG!!!!)

I love fancams, coz I like to fangirl squeeeeeee along w/ the sweetie sharing the vid!

There's MORE!!
a tv report on binnie w/ SECRETARY! KIM!! 

hyun bin, manchu, secret garden

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