May 11, 2008 12:51
Man, I haven't posted in days. I'm not in the mood too. I'm going to anyways, even though I never want to remember this point in my life.
I'm making it short and sparing you the details. My mom kicked me out. I've been gypsy-ing for several days now. One day I wound up walking around Lapeer with my backpack and nowhere to go. I'm at Zach's house now, they've graciously taken me in. Zach says I can stay as long as I want, but I always feel bad about that sort of thing. I have a little bit of money to take care of myself but it'll be gone within 2 weeks, then I have no idea what I'm going to do. My mom is making me get everything I own out of her house. Where am I going to put it?... I have no idea.
I finally ended it with Kelli, like 100%. I really just never want to see/speak to her again, it'll help me get over the situation.
On a brighter note, the last few days I've been feeling very creative and really want to get good at everything. I've improved the tricks I do know skateboarding, haven't learned any new ones. Also I learned how to read music, like the piano and stuff. I'm definitley a beginner though. Today while Zach's been at work I started learning to play the guitar. I really want to learn to play acoustic good. I think it's beautiful, and totally cool that somebody can pick up a piece of wood and some strings and make music. I'd definitley stick to acoustic and not electric. I just want to be awesome at at least one thing, but I think I'm going to stive for a few. Zach's house always makes me want to write, paint, draw, or make music, even though I'm terrible at everything. Maybe if I end up staying quite a while I can master something. I'm surely going to try. I'm going to ask Mike Murray to give me guitar lessons. I'm kind of excited.