awww fuck

Jan 28, 2005 17:27

There once was a puppet that ruled a strong nation,
Instead of working hard to help it, He took a long Vacation,
When ever he spoke you could tell he wasn't smart,
So he found a puppet master with an unstable heart,
He started going to church and then found GOD,
But the Church Of Halliburton was just a Facade,
They told him of a dictator that was mean and bad,
So he looked for advice from his dear old dad,
"You should stop him he's carzy insane",
And with that the puppet began his campaign,
Told people of dangerous aluminum tubes,
We have to go over and liberate those boobs,
They Have Weapons To kill Us All,
That no good Regime Must Fall,
We All Said "No, we won't go",
He said, "We must Freedom Show",
So We Walked All OVer those chumps,
All I See Now Are Oil Pumps,
Where are those evil weapons stored,
Where is the object against what we have warred,
But from the puppet no answer came,
Finger pointed to him for blame,
The world despises the people he represents,
But he is now the person these people resent,
He was not over throne from power,
but for four more years his people are sour,
As time goes on with this worldy feud,
He just makes his country more screwed,
This man now wants world domination,
But we can't take this ungodly abomination,
So it is up now to the people instead,
to stop him from getting us dead,
His plans we must now foil,
And stop him from controlling the whole worlds oil.

Man this idea about going in to iran scares the shit out of me.
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