Tampa crap

Jun 11, 2012 21:51

So I was doing pretty well for about a week there with the updates, and then stopped. Mostly because my neighbors caught on that I was using their internet to download movies and all kinds of stuff, and blocked the free wi-fi. I didn't get internet hooked up until about a week and a half ago, when I finished unpacking. I told myself that if I install TV & internet, I will never do anything productive again, which has turned out to be true - I know myself really well! And so, I prolonged doing those two things until I was done unpacking. I'm finally all settled in and done unpacking now.

Work has been going hard. It's not easy starting up in a new location. I'm finally starting to learn the market fairly well, however the competition over here is fairly fierce. There's like 3-4 other companies that do what we do. And they are legitimate companies. We don't really have any competition in South Florida, as any competition that we've had we've crushed by now. However over here, every house gets bid on fairly competitively. I haven't really gotten any houses back in the traditional ways that we ended up selling. There were a couple that should have sold, but we just didn't have the buyers for them. We've been getting by on scraps I pick up on online auctions and from private sellers. But that's not the standard source of houses. Those are usually just homerun bonuses that we get in addition to our bread-and-butter houses we outbeat everyone else on. Oh well, it'll click.

The owner of the company - Jason - is coming tomorrow and I'm kind of nervous. His partner, the co-owner is a lot more laid back and is fairly lax on stuff in the office. I'm fairly certain that even if I ran my office with an iron fist and had everything super perfect, Jason would still find a list of things to change and correct. So since there's no real iron fist going on, I'm sure the list will be fairly long.

1 of my 2 sales guys quit last week. Which was good too, because we were going to fire him in a couple of days. He just sucked at his job. He was one of those people that should have never been in real estate, and is all over the place. He tried to do everything his way, failed to follow any direction I gave him, and in the end didn't really make any money, other than the few draws we gave him. He then ended up quitting, and after giving me a speech about how he doesn't want to burn any bridges, and really likes the company, but just needs a job that produces immediate income right now went and tried to steal the one good investor he had and propose that they become "business partners" to him. Kid was a total fuck up.

The other kid is doing okay, but he didn't show to work 3 days last week. One was understandable, because he was taking his real estate exam (and failed... again), but the other two he had "the flu". Managing people in general has been a lot harder than I expected. There's a lot more administrative stuff that goes on that I wasn't used to. Before I'd just buy and sell houses, and work on that 10 hours a day. Now about 2-3 hours of my day goes on administrative stuff. Making sure everyone is following directions. Making sure everything is done correctly and the way we need it to. Blah blah blah.

Overall, I'm fairly confident about the office though. I think the market will be a lot harder to break into than I thought, and it might take even more work than I anticipated. But I think the market is definitely good over here, and once we start rolling a little bit, it'll be easy to meet the goals i want to meet.

I was going to write a bunch of personal stuff in this post too, but it turned out to be such a good work post that I think I'll quit while I'm ahead now. The one thing I'll say is that I've joined a crossfit gym and a kickball team, which is really cool. The people on the kickball team are fun to hang out with, and pretty young and fun loving. I'm really trying to become better friends with the group, so maybe we can start hanging out outside of kickball.
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