Fuck yeah!!

May 02, 2012 21:50

So after 2 full days of work, we sold 1 house today!! And the guy was going to buy two, but we only ended up selling him 1. Although I think he might come back later for the other one.

I was super excited about the whole thing. One of the new kids that has been following to the T everything I've told him to do, found this guy from comparable sales in the area - the guy actually owns the house that backs up to the one we sold him. He called him, got him on the phone, told him he'd meet him at the house, went there, followed up with him after the guy stood him up, and he came in and signed for it! Check and everything. I'm pretty happy!! It's like a burden has lifted. It was a very small deal. In Fort Lauderdale, I'd have even considered it not that significant. But it was huge over here. Mostly because I want these guys to just sell some houses and have them close it as soon as possible so they can get paid a bit, and realize how awesome my job is. And then it'll be smooth sailing.

There was a bit of a confusion between the two guys we have working. Apparently somehow out of the millions of people that live here, they managed to find the one guy and both spoke to him. It's probably because his house backs up to the fucking one we have, but still. The other guy wasn't happy I think, but it didn't really cause any drama. I'm pretty pumped about going to work tomorrow.

My biggest battle so far has been waking up in the morning. I knew it would be, and I'm trying to my best to avoid it by going to sleep at like 10 PM every night. It's not helpful that I toss and turn and think about random shit half the night like my broken wreck of a breakup/relationship, worrying about the office succeeding, lack of any social interaction over here, or other random shit. But I'd say today we all got a big confidence boost and the mood is definitely up in the office. I'm really hoping we can ride that the rest of the week and maybe get another sale under our belt and get this thing rolling.

Anyway, more to come later! I'm still not even remotely done unpacking. I have finally unpacked all my clothes and washed them. Kitchen is next. I'm holding off hooking up the TV until last. Because I know if I do that, I will never unpack the rest of the apartment. I only get like an hour and a half to eat and do other shit in life like unpack a day (self forced schedule), so I try to use it wisely... like making LJ posts... hm... maybe I'm bad at this.

Sleepy time.
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