Recent Quotes “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” - Alan KayBut Mr. Kay, I don’t have time!
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.Dammit, Mr. Brown - Now you just make me feel lazy.
Despite the possible secondary reactions to the above two
quotes, I like them.
Recent Internetabaloo
Facebook’s mini-feed = Horrible idea, but at least they haven’t yet figured out how to list “Mayka was stalking!” as a recent “event.” (No, really, it’s a horrible idea. I hope some angry parent gets involved in her kid’s protection of privacy. I’d laugh even though I totally agree.)
I also learned that there is now an I swear I simply happened upon it. I clicked on a link to one of our “Top Referers” sites at Meez. I was then greeted by a MySpace-like layout. In the default pic section, there was not a Meez, but a fully-exposed nude woman. Not completely shaved. Just sprawled out spread eagle on a bed. & that is how I learned about xpeeps. Did I mention that my computer basically faces everybody in the office? Classy. It’s dope that they have a site for supposedly-mature adults who are willing to “xpose” themselves & share all o’ that virtual flesh. It’s also very smart for xpeeps to give its industry people the option to separate “friends” from “xpeeps.” - But really, interning at Meez was not the time or place for me to find it. There’s absolutely no sort of disclaimer page postponing a random 13-year old surfer from getting a view of some random aspiring x-chick’s boobies. I don’t now how I feel about that.
Recent Questions
Does Andre Agassi feel at all trumped for this retirement being overshadowed by “Death of a Crocodile Hunter?”
Do the people who do the cymbals for soap opera background music ever get sore wrists?
Recent Purchases
& you'll never guess the price. :)
Invincible - Good movie. More inspirational than it was full-on (Steve Madden voice:) “Now that’s great football!” Despite having never seen Any Given Sunday, I don’t think it’ll reach Any Given Sunday status. I wish they had put more onto the last game. They built up the action so well, but then I felt unsatisfied, as if I was being teased. Even though they added a little bit of “This is where Papale is now,” I don’t think they followed-up with a thorough enough conclusion.
Guess what I’m watching. “Arr, this chair be high, says I.” Angelides, Newsom, & Villaraigosa - Wow. I’m going to bed before 11. Is that lame?