(no subject)

Mar 20, 2007 00:14

uhhh pretty much worst time of my life. I got sick one night while spending the night at nicks, couldnt even stop throwing up or crying long enough to drive myself home. I just wanted to go home cause I felt bad I was probably keeping the whole family up with my NON STOP throwing up for 7 hours. I ended up throwing up so often I could literally not leave the bathroom and just curled up in a blanket on the bathroom floor until 6:30 a.m. when nick offered to drive me home on his way to work so I wouldnt have to drive. We pulled over almost ten times in twenty minutes so I could puke on the side of the road. The doctors told me I probably just had food poisoning or the stomach bug that was going around and should take a few days off and rest. I was sick and thrwoing up for three days, then felt totally fine so the doctors told me to forget about it.

Not even a week and a half later I started again, I was getting up to go to school... or work.. or something I went to pee like I always do when I wake up but started feeling dizzy and gross immediately after standing up. Nick was leaving for work and I like, ran ahead of him to get the bathroom before he could cause I had to throw up. It was like 6 in the morning and twelve hours later when I still hadnt stopped we went to the hospital mostly because this time I was having crippling stomach pains and my mom was getting a little worried, even though I usually am a baby when i'm sick. I was so dehydrated I had to get carried into the hospital cause I was shaking and almost fell out of the car trying to step out and they didnt even give me an IV. They pretty much said I shoudl just go home and see if it went away. Friggen gay. But they also said it could be apendicitis and they couldnt do anything about it unless the pain became isolated on my side (or wherever an appendix is, cause at that point it was like my whole torso was on fireee). I strained.. not pulled.. 4 back mucsles and 3 stomach muscles from throwing up so much/ so hard. they started wondering if maybe my intestine had become twisted (which would be why things were coming UP instead of down like they would if they could travel through an intestine. I really think the doctors I was dealing with where mildly retarted. I was sure i wasnt peeing since I couldnt hold down fluids. they are so dumb). Anyway I was sick throwing up for another 2 days before I stopped throwing up but was out another 3 cause I was sick in every other way.

A little over a week after that I woke up and took a shower and nicks and in the shower started feeling nauseas again. I was pissed and started busrting into tears cause I had to pee but couldnt and there was blood everywhere and the stomach pain was back. I called out of work in hysterics (poor mike who picked up the phone, I described to him in graphic detail in tears what was happening and he was TOTALLY okay with not knowing) and called my mom who took me to the hospital again. They ran tests for urinary tract infections (and STDs, which I quickly ruled out was the cause, adn thought was kind of funny) and the tests came back negative for everything. so they gave me bactrim anyway (for UTIs) just in case over the weekend they turned positive, I could start treatment instead of waiting til tuesday. I waited for 2 days inexcruciating pain/blood/etc to find out I had a uti and possible kidney compliocations. I started on the bactrim and was fine for all of 3 days.

After that I get sick for a day (which sucked but at least they figured out what that was... turns out I have an allergy to ice cream as well... haha I used to have one when I was little and they assumed i grew out of it at like 14. Well, its back and it sucks)

5 days after that I get sick to my stomach throwing up one more time. This time it was nothing, well to me, I'm pretty used to it now. It was an easy two days and i wasnt throwing up as often. It was a pretty chill two days. Hahah.

Today I wake up to feeling real itchy. I get out of bed and look and I am covered (I mean like... COVERED in disgusting, red, raised splotches that are fucking itchy that start on my back and literally go all the way to my elbow (and armpit... which is the WORST.. itchy armpits), down my stomach/back down my legs to the tips of my toes and it keeps spreading and gettting like.. more concentrated. Wearing clothes irritate them wicked bad and i cant wear socks or shoes cause its too damn itchy (flip flops were my choice of foot wear today... which sucks with a foot of snow) and I have an inexplicable like 2 inch bump on my head that I get to have biopsied (which I am NOT looking forward to) I'm just glad I dont have red splotchies on my face. hahah. I've also been hardcore sick (minus puking thank god) all day. WONDEROUS

so anyway I have had a serious allergic reaction to my meds (as well as what I think is brain cancer but my mom thinks is just part of the reaction haha) and im friggen pissed. So now I get to go back to the doctor tomorrow, where I get prescribed steroids (which are the only things that will get rid of the rashy thing. SO I think I shall start attending the gym. haha.

I've missed almost a full month worth of school, and work, and I am not happy about it. Nick has conjunctivitis and a crazy allergic reaction to a change in laundry detergent (which looks so funny cause it looks like he is wearing a shirt of the worst, dryest, itchiest, reddest hives i've ever seen). hhaha. so we have just been hanging out and taking drugs together for out array of crazy ailments.

And that, if you were wondering, is what I have been up to since my last update.
(oh and I went to a bruins game in boston with nick, corey, and mike d. Sooo fun. and this thursday me, nick, my sister and dad are taking my mom to the Brad Sherwood and Colin Mochrie show!! I hope I can stay healthy enough to go! haha. I'm pumpedddd.)
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