
Jul 07, 2009 16:56


Back from the TVC shoot that lasted until 3am. I left at 12 mn because my boss wanted me to report at 9 AM later, and had I stayed, he'd still expect me to turn up at the same time. WTH. UWI NA LANG AKO FFFF.

By that time, my mind kept on doing backflips and whirring listlessly on auto-run. Eat, grunt, say something significant, repeat. Bored out of my skull when we started shooting the eggs being pummeled by bread at 100 FRAMES PER SECOND. Apparently, it was harder than the crew expected. So they did 2987437 takes for the heck of it. Ugh wew, that just made it in my list of to-dread nightmares.

Thankfully, it's a relatively free day at work. As I have plurked before, this day shouldn't be, but is, good. Hmm. Calm before a huge ass-whooping from the gods? Idk. I just want to be rid of some stuff I don't need. Like, competition? Like clutter in my room? Or just the notion of something. You can't have nothing for something, anyway.

I feel great because my earlier-than-expected period is gone, and the cramps didn't show up woohoo! I did, however, suffered EPIC PALPITATIONS from drinking consecutive shots of pure, unadulterated gin last Friday at Mic's place. Since the rest of my drinking mates were too drunk to notice, I thumped away, hoping not to die from the awesome chest pains and red splotches it had decided to give me.

SCRITS. Gaiz, remind me to bring the awesome test paper from beyond. *m*

Since I deserved a break from shitwads of stuff. Nicked from numi_nami

1. I shat my panties and refused to admit it the whole day. Yeah.
2. became acquainted with Sailormoon and was enthralled by it.
3. Thus embarked on a lifelong obssession with weaboo shits
4. started to draw *u*
5. cried when my bestfriend and I weren't seatmates anymore (curse you, shifting seat assignments!)

10 Years Ago, I:
1. started commuting to and from school
2. felt I was a boy wtf ftw =))
3. ditched senior prom in favor of a much more exciting trip to Fontana with friends XD
4. started hanging out with friends, going to overnights without permission D:
5. was exiled to Antipolo because of #4

5 Years Ago, I:
1. got sick of Accounting and got myself into a lol wat course called English Studies.
2. joined UP AME for the lulz and look where I am now hahaha
3. missed out what might've been an awesome experience
4. got accustomed to drinking
5. cried over a guy wtf wth, and swore I'll make pansies cry harder sfhjds

3 Years Ago, I:
1. was getting nowhere with my undergrad thesis, and my thesis partner went AWOL on me wat
2. enjoyed UP so much I decided to extend my stay for one more year XD
3. swore eternal love for Yu-Gi-Oh
4. discovered Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
5. discovered lots of things, in general. For lack of something to put here, really.

Last year, I:
1. made a conscious effort to finish my thesis, after procrastination and angst and retardation
2. worked a lot of odd jobs to finish my final leg in college since my dad is just so kind and caring
3. finally graduated from college, much to my relief and dismay
4. started having a curious liking towards the color pink
5. had my first full-time desk job

Yesterday, I:
1. watched egg yolks being broken by a ravaging/ravishing bread on-cam, and the succeeding 32920843 takes that went on after
2. felt nothing
3. forgot I brought Dune to the shoot, since I was so out of my mind and all
4. went on unlitxt and lulz'd
5. couldn't get inside the house since they were so kind to lock the doors when I told them I'd be arriving late ffff

Today, I:
1. realized my old pairs of pants were too big for me now, the way they just hang limply on my butt wat is my diet working or am I fooling myself ahaha
2. arrived early at the office, despite anything and everything
3. discovered JUST BE FRIENDS, courtesy of wigiboy and mikkikoron. Now it's on loop aiieeee
4. was told I have a twin sister residing on the fifth floor of this building huh wat
5. am impatiently waiting for 6pm. I WANNA GO HOME

Tomorrow, I:
1. will go to office, as usual
2. could be a lot more or a lot less possessed
3. should eat wheat bread at every opportune moment, along copious amounts of Genmaicha. I HAVE FOUR LOAVES TO FINISH UNTIL SATURDAY WTF
4. might decide to stop caring
5. might get back to drawing shiz

3 Bad Habits I Have:
1. I love collecting useless shit
2. I tend to overestimate things
3. I love to arrive late at most things fffff sorry I can't help it hsdjs

Interests at the moment:
1. Tales of the World
2. H2G2
3. Dune
4. tea, wheat bread
5. extrapolation through bendy straws



Oh oh oh the awesome shits this is. It was originally a text game, back in the 80's wew, and was dubbed to be the hardest game ever. Especially if you haven't read anything remotely Guide-ish. Otherwise, it's lots of fun and uuurggh frustrating commands ahoy. The link I offer is the flash version, with nice illustrations and Guide display (that is, if you managed to get the guide).


Since this game ultimately invokes the trope Guide Dang It, here's a link of hints given by DNA himself - bless his soul - to get you by:


I might as well throw the the original text game while I'm at it:


Good luck getting past the bulldozer jdsfsf

life the universe and everything, menstruation, existence, meme, random

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