What I like about working is when I'm not working at all. /o/

Sep 05, 2008 16:18

So, to kill some time (and space, as these two elements occur together, always), here's a meme I nicked from firebird88

1. List your top five ships.
2. Put all of them in order of your love for them; 5 to 1, 1 being your favorite.
3. Name their fandom.
4. Supply photos for said people.
5. Tag six people.


kyrios_efiastis X wigiboy


Why, thank you, anon, for being a kind benefactor *wink wink*

5. Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudou (Yu-Gi-Oh!5D's)

Yu-Gi-Oh!5D's = Bright. Shiny. New. As with all shonen anime exhibiting Ho Yay inclinations, this show is filled to the brim with unresolved sexual tensions between two power rivals, add the fact that both used to be good friends before only to reach a bitter separation (an always-referenced-but-is-so-sparsely-shown falling-out), and find themselves in the middle of a mythos and some global conspiracy of star-worshippers-turned-card game-enthusiasts-working-for-a-Gendo-Ikari. The last thing you'll ever notice are the motorbikes. O RLY. YA RLY.

4. Stahn Aileron x Rutee Katrea (Tales of Destiny)

In my opinion, this Tales is the best in the series, and Namco banked on a good one when they decided to make a sequel and a remake. The game is rife with their senseless bickerings, name-calling (both affectionate and otherwise: "country bumpkin" and "honey"), and brief, tender -if not awkward- moments. Throw in a Philia Felice and you have a love triangle to stir things up. Fruits of love eventually make its way in the sequel, where their son, Kyle, becomes the hero. <3

3. Nash Latjke x Sierra Mikain (Genso Suiko Gaiden)

Do you remember them? They crossed paths in the first Gaiden game where Nash is the central character, on a mission from Holy Harmonia to investigate the nature of the true runes. Their brief meeting only lasted a chapter, but sent me reeling (and many fans) with glee. Enter Suikoden III where Nash finally becomes a Star of Destiny, and assured a jealous knight -as Nash becomes the escort of Lady Knight Chris- that his lady-killing days are over because he has "a missus who keep[s] [him] in check". The Fandom goes to great lengths identifying this lucky lady (Dear God, they even have Nash paired up with his sister wtf and then there's Humphrey) and with the aid of nifty in-game clues (A Castle newspaper states Nash meeting a pale young woman; Nash actually fearing his wife she's a vampire,oh!, other eyewitness accounts, etc.), Sierra wins by a landslide.

2. Kurosaki Ichigo x Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)

Your Mileage May Vary, of course. Many a time a simple discussion has fallen to Fandom Wank, with more people shouting Die For Our Ship than the last. I offer here a wank-free essay (it's not what it looks like), because this explains my love for this pair better than I do. :3

1. Seto Kaiba x Yami no Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

No shit, Klaine. Dead Giveaway.


Tagging no-one and anyone.

bleach, tests, weaboo, yu-gi-oh, love

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