"SAVE ME!" - Thesis

Feb 25, 2008 01:52

Something pawned the big Jesus out of me. Twice.
And it almost made me cry, and wet my pants in surprise.


giethe's recent post about her dreams had me inspired to do a bit of dream-venturing of sorts, since it's good writing practice, as well as a veritable mine of information, inspiration, and much needed Freudian release of libido.


They persist on my head, little footprints that trail and disappear beyond the long, unruly wilderness. And shit, I rake them with my fingers, taking them down, those obnoxious little footprints. And they return, right under my nose, jeering, multiplying. And in my despair I bought you and you and you to stop them from taking me. Because when I look at the mirror I see more of them and less of me and none of what you promised to give.

That, my friends, is about my epic dilemma of acne. Written magnificently in emo prose. They come with the thesis, like a sick Happy Meal, along with sleepless, listless nights and mornings forgotten that I have slept past.

thesis, random

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