Title: Study Session
Prompt: 30. Chekov, exams
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Characters: Kirk, Chekov, mentions of others
Pairings: None
Word count: 300
Spoilers/Warnings: None really. Apologies for the impromptu hiatus--real life suddenly got busy. So here's 300 words to make up for it. :D
Summary: Chekov's promotional exam is coming up.
It's the third night in a row Kirk's walked into the mess hall to find Chekov fast asleep, face practically glued to a PADD. The first two times, he's let it slide--Chekov's lack of sleep hasn't affected his performance on the bridge.
But really, enough is enough.
"Ensign Chekov!"
The quiet call is more than enough to jolt the navigator upright in his seat. "Sir!" he declares sleepily, bleary eyes making him look even younger than normal.
"Why aren't you sleeping in your own quarters?" Kirk asks, sitting down in the chair next to him.
Chekov flushes with embarrassment, and instead of answering he nudges the PADD toward Kirk. A quick glance tells Kirk everything he needs to know.
"The promotional exam? Chekov, they barely take that into consideration. They'll take one look at your record and promote you on the spot."
"I am aware of zat, sir," Chekov replies, suppressing a yawn. When Kirk lifts an eyebrow, he explains, "I do not feel... prepared... to be a lieutenant."
Kirk tilts his head a little in thought. "We'll help you," he declares finally. He smiles a little at Chekov's surprise. "I'll quiz you on procedures and policies and all that bureaucratic junk they think you need to know. And I'm sure Uhura will help you with cultural studies. Scotty could could quiz you on anything engineering-related, Spock and Sulu can help with the botanical references, and I bet we can convince Bones to pass on any medical knowledge you might need."
Chekov's eyes are wide. "You... you zink zey would do zat?"
Kirk grins as he claps him on the shoulder. "I know they would. But not if you're gonna fall asleep in the middle of a lesson. Understood?"
"Aye, sir. Zank you."
Kirk chuckles. "Thank me when you're promoted."