Title: Memory Lane
Prompt: 38. George and Winona Kirk, I remember it well
Genre: Het, Angst
Rating: G
Characters: George Kirk, Winona Kirk, mentions of Jim Kirk
Pairings: George/Winona
Word count: 100
Spoilers/Warnings: Vague movie spoilers.
Summary: When it comes to George, Winona remembers. She remembers everything.
She remembers the day they met, from the lab supplies she carried, to the look on his face after they'd collided in the Academy hallway, to the smell of his hair when they knelt together to pick up their spilled tools.
She remembers their wedding--the colors, the smell of the flowers in her bouquet, and the feel of his lips on hers are as strong now as they were then.
She remembers the strength of his love; she never wants to forget it, so she tries her best to show that love to the boy with his father's bright smile.