Title: Need for Speed
Prompt: 23. Sulu, the need for speed
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Characters: Sulu, mentions of Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Pairings: None
Word count: 200
Spoilers/Warnings: None really.
Summary: Sulu hates waiting. Especially during rescue missions.
The shuttle was silent save for the sound of Sulu's finger softly tapping against the console. There was no alert from the sensors, and he hadn't heard from the captain in over an hour.
At times like this, he wished he weren't a pilot. He hated being left behind when they needed to make a quick escape. Waiting had never been his strong suit; he liked moving as fast as possible as often as possible.
The radio cackled. "Two minutes! Yellow!"
He jumped into action at the captain's words, smiling despite the inherent tension of the situation. "Yellow" meant that there were injuries but no deaths.
He fired up the engines and radioed the Enterprise, requesting a med team be ready for their arrival. When three blips appeared on one of the sensors, he lowered the ramp and then held one hand over the console in anticipation.
He was ready to move again.
"We got him! Go, go, go!" Kirk ordered as he and Spock surged up into the shuttle, practically dragging McCoy between them.
"Aye, sir!" Sulu responded, punching in the necessary commands. His grin widened as they sped away, landmarks streaking past them in colored blurs.
He loved being a pilot.