Title: Finding Home
Prompt: 47. Kirk and Spock, back on Earth
Genre: Gen, angst
Rating: G
Characters: Kirk, Spock, mentions Winona Kirk
Pairings: None
Word count: 200
Spoilers/Warnings: Movie spoilers.
Notes: Part 2 of 2. Both this and the companion piece are 200 words. Also, this will be my last post for a few days, as I'm going camping this weekend. See you all Monday!
Summary: Kirk needs to make a visit. Spock's still not sure why he has to come along.
Spock is surprised by Kirk's tension and silence, both of which are unusual for the captain.
However, surprise has not been an uncommon occurrence in the last few days. The Enterprise just completed three years of service away from Earth, and her crew had been granted a few weeks of well-deserved shore leave.
Spock had planned on spending his shore leave on Vulcan II. Yet before the Enterprise had even docked, he'd been asked if he would spend a few days on Earth's surface by none other than Captain Jim Kirk.
He's not sure what is more surprising--the fact that Kirk had asked him even before considering asking Doctor McCoy, or the fact that Spock had agreed without second thought.
"Why are we here, Captain?"
Kirk stares at the house. "I need to see someone."
"And why is my presence necessary?"
Kirk smiles a little. "No matter what happens, I'll know that I'm not completely alone."
Spock stares at him for a moment, then nods once. He makes sure that he's directly behind his captain--his friend--when a woman with Kirk's eyes opens the door.
It's the first time Spock is relieved to be unnecessary.