Jan 17, 2006 18:19
So in two of my classes we are dealing with video games this semester. In A.I., we're writing programs to control spaceships in a multiplayer version of asteroids. In Soft Eng 2 we are writing a competitive pachinko game(This is still in ACL2 mind you).
I'm excited about AI, it is a fascinating topic that I know nothing about. I've heard good things about the class too. Dr McGovern speaks very quickly and seems kinda hyperactive, but I seem to be one of the few people who can follow her. She implied that she wasn't from Oklahoma...I bet Zach knows where she's from.
Anne tried to talk me into not dropping Computer Architecture and drop AI instead, but it is in the morning and looks extremely boring. AI will be harder, but I think being boring will be worse for me. That girl is a charisma rogue, it's kinda scary, I can see how she gets her way a lot.
SE looks like it will be much better than last semester, which is good because between Compilers, AI, and Graphics I'm going to die.