It really is rather interesting at times. I sometimes wonder where the words in my head come from. I'm sure if I took the time to sit down and type up what brewed in my skull, I'd have at least two or three books made. I think I'll do that sometime actually, just sit and type. I haven't free style written in a while.
Also, was looking at bikes today. I'm heavily considering buying one with some of the cash I'll be getting. I'll also look into buying a really cheap house. Someone I knew paid 10,000 for a house with four bathrooms and five baths because that was all that was owed on the mortgage. If I really think about it, I can afford that when the check comes in. I can buy it cash down at an auction, then rent it out or live in it (probaly rent out) and just stay in this one and rent out a room. Things would be well enough that I may not need to work except for paying utilities.
I also transferred the water to my name, which apparently costs ten bucks, though they were sympathetic about it all. I'll need to call the other places tomorrow or just handle it on my day off. The tree in the front is annoying me enough that I may just go buy an axe and begin cutting the bitch down. Its hard to tell, but there has been cleaning down in my moms room and the comp room. Soon as the yard sale happens and I hopefully sell a lot of the clothes, then I can really clean up since thats what is taking the most room. I can shove some things in the closet for the time being, then sell off furniture that is unneeded. Once that is done, I can take out carpet, replace it, paint walls, and actually make a difference. There is just too much of her stuff to really do anything.
Also almost broke down earlier today for some weird reason. I can't even remember what memory I had that triggered things. I think I was watching a movie or looked at something on the coffee table, then thought of her, and started to cry hard.
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