Out of the flow.

Jan 12, 2008 01:28

Josh and Joe arrived! Yay.
Since they've arrived we've just been playin rock band and drinkin.
Oddly enough I find myself NOT that enthused to be playing with more people.
Id rather just been sitting in this house by myself playing.
Its weird having not 1 but 3 boys here now. Its a lot to handle. Living by yourself for 6 months and now in less than a week there are now 3 other people. I mean yea Joe and Josh are only for a few days but I am still adjusting to Jason being here. I didnt realize it would throw me off them being here. I mean dont get me wrong love the guys and Im stoked they're here. Its just....I dunno....it throws me off.
And my mail box via the world wide web is seeming a lil empty these days.
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