
Jun 07, 2011 19:35

 I don't want to read the last post I made, nor am I going to. I might as well keep it up though. I'm not the type of person to delete my faults away. I don't even remember when I wrote it, it's all sort of a blur. I was being hypersensitive to a lot of things, and I was genuinely sick to my stomach. Whatever, I can write about excuses and everything but that wouldn't necessarily be proper.

I'm not going to apologize for being sensitive. That's who I am. Take it or leave it. Will I work on letting my emotions overwhelm me? Of course. I do tend to let my emotions take grip of me and spur of the moment. I take pride in being sensitive though, and being able to sympathize with people.

What I will apologize for, is the way I came across. I do feel alone, a lot. That's simply the hand I was dealt with in real life. I don't have many people I can talk to as a support. I've been working on that too though, believe it or not. What was wrong of me though, was the air that I put across saying that nobody at all loves me. No. That's wrong. I don't remember what I wrote, but all I need to say is that I do genuinely care for all those that I follow/onmyfriendslist/whathaveyou. I know you all genuinely care for me too.

It was a stupid and reckless post. I hope you guys can see past it. 
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