MOOGLES ; A closer look

May 18, 2011 22:04

I felt like writing this. In depth look at me? Enjoy.

The meaning of the handle;

Most people know Moogles as those cute little creatures from the [i]Final Fantasy[/i] series. This is true. Sometime during the summer of 2008, I had gotten obsessed with Final Fantasy. So, I found myself quickly making an account called 'Moogles4ever'. Over the years of me being online, I shortened that down to Moogles, wherever it already hadn't been taken. It's still fairly uncommon, so I manage to get most of my sites to have it. If not, there's always Moogles4ever, right?

It's a name that has stuck with me ever since I've used it. Times have come up where I had thoughts about changing it, but for what? I had gone through about a year as most people knowing me as Moogles, so it seemed silly to change it now. Most, if not everyone on the internet I've met knows me by my handle, rather than calling me anything else. I've had many good times, and many bad times with it. Sometimes I look back and what I've done, seeing it stupid, seeing it as smart. It's just a part of me that I won't be able to get rid of, plain and simple.

Family of the handle;

I was born into a fortunate family, me having two sisters, a father and a mother. My parents are absolutely amazing people who I have nothing but the utmost respect for. My father is employed with the RCMP, which is why I was born in Regina in the first place. For those who don't know, in Regina is the training facility in which all the members of the RCMP go through. He was an instructor there for many years, ranging from stuff to firearms to driver training. My mother was a registered nurse, and I was extremely close to her. Much closer than I was to my dad, although that isn't to say I didn't love him. Unfortunately, her life was taken at the age of 55, after fighting a courageous battle with lung cancer. My parents will always be a pair of the strongest people that I know.

My sisters are a bit more interesting, in many ways. Let's start off with my oldest, Kimberly, who is currently 30 and married to a wonderful man. Funny thing, both she and her husband are members of the RCMP too. Anyways, she's pretty short, and many people say that we look alike, to an extent that's true. I don't have boobs though, that would make it a bit awkward. She's funny, and always a kid at heart. However, she also manages to see a lot of the big picture that many people don't see, and is an excellent judge of character. This is something we both got from our dad. She was always sort of gone, either to university or anything else, because of our huge age difference. She always came to visit for my birthday, Christmas, or whichever occasion though. She currently lives in the same town, and it's always nice to see her.

My other sister is Stephanie, and right now she's eighteen years old. She was born with a mental disability known as [i]Sotos Syndrome[/i]. The basic gist of it is that she had rapid growth development either in the womb, or in her first few years of life. I don't really remember, but she also is mentally challenged as a result of this. I love her, I really do, but it's hard to live with her sometimes. Since she's older than me, she thinks that she can sort of be the boss of everything. Since mom died, she's trying to baby me and act like a mother. I don't like it. She's the sweetest girl that you would ever have the pleasure of meeting, as long as you aren't doing something stupid. She doesn't exactly understand social cues. Smoking is wrong, so she will outright tell someone that they're going to get lung cancer and die. If you're picking up pizza from the floor, she will look at you, and tell you that you should throw it out. It's hard to tell that she's mentally disabled too, it isn't exactly as noticeable as Down's Syndrome, per see. However, you're going to find a girl who says the most surprising things. Sometimes she switches from the mentality of an 18 year old, back to an 8 year old.

Finally, I have my brother-in-law Kristopher. When you've lived with sisters the majority of the time, it's nice to have a guy around. We both came from those sort of circumstances. Except that he had even more sisters. God, that would suck. So we immediately liked each other, even if we get on each others nerves sometimes. He's a great guy, although I would never want to be his child. He's really, super strict. I think the child of him and Kimberly is going to be born with a stick up their arse. But anyways. He's really into England, he had even studied abroad there for a few years. Funny, because I've always been a France sort of guy.

History with the handle;

Pretty much, I haven't done anything too exciting on the internet as Moogles. It was mostly just joining Pokemon forums, my main one being Sppf. I hung out in their roleplay section a lot. I was just naturally appealed to it. I decided to be a cool, edgy person in the miscellaneous section for a while too. Then I realized I was being stupid. I don't go there much anymore, I met a group of people from there that I like, and I stuck with them on MSN.

I've been to a few pokemon roleplay forums too. This started when I think I was 10. God, I've been to tons and tons. Mostly as Moogles, I've been mods on some, but nothing really lasts, does it? I have my select group of people there that I found awesome too, so you know. There's really no point to going back there anymore. The times are over, and I don't think I'm really into roleplaying on pokemon roleplay sites anymore. Seems like such a shame putting a huge part of my life like that away, but it's the truth.

Lately, I've been on Plurk and on Tumblr. Both are awesome social networking sites for me, and I've been meeting some pretty cool people on there too. There were people that I've already met, and there's people that I continue to meet all the time. I don't think I'm into hardcore foruming anymore, just hanging out on MSN, Plurk and Tumblr. I used to be on IRC a lot too, but I thought I was edgy and cool then, so let's forget about that.

History past the handle;

Enter me, Nicholas. I was a pretty small child that was born in Regina Saskatchewan, right in the prairies of western Canada. I was premature at about 32 weeks, the date landing on December 22, 1994. I would think that I was the greatest Christmas present that my parents ever received. However, being born so early meant that I had underdeveloped lungs, and I had to be in an incubator for awhile. Whatever, I made it through all of that ok, so I should be thankful. The rest of my family was down for vacation in Vancouver, while my mother and I stayed in the prairies. She got to hold me on Christmas day, which is probably one of the most touching things I've ever heard of.

I was a small, skinny child. I always ran around and had fun in my neighbourhood though. Apparently I had a condition called Hyperlexia, which as one would think, is the opposite of dyslexia. This actually made me be able to spell words out before I was able to pronounce them, and have a pretty high reading level for my age. Apparently this made me some sort of smart child, which I guess is something I'll agree with. The early years were normal, nothing really happened.

I remember kindergarten though. I was enrolled in the French Immersion program from birth, which is what apparently only 7% of eligible students do. With French being an official language of Canada, this program has been promoted for a long time. So I just took my kindergarten with a strong emphasis on learning French. Actually, that's pretty much what the early years of French Immersion are all about. A huge emphasis on learning French, while keeping all of what I would assume are the normal skills. I was quickly known as some sort of smart kid, and that I had a fascination with computers. They'd even let me, with some other students, out of the gym class. They wanted to see how good we were? Either way, I think we were chosen for it. Interesting stuff.

That was from Kindergarten to grade 2. I ended up moving later that year, which was a much better deal for me. As much as I enjoyed Saskatchewan, the summers were too hot, and the winters were too cold. We moved to a smaller town in British Columbia. A lot more out west for those people who don't know Canadian Geography. The air quality is bad, but there were a lot more opportunities for my family out here, especially for Stephanie. I met a bunch of people in my Elementary school. The thing is, the kids in the French Immersion program always stick together, even into high school. This is good and bad, because there's some people I'd really rather not be with. However, I have my original group to stay with me. Nelson, Jordan, Tristan, Drew Celine, Heidi, and Morgan. People have come and gone, but these are the kids that have stuck it out together ever since. The good group of us hate each other now, which is sort of disappointing.

Elementary school was pretty boring. Nothing really happened, we did as we were told, worked on what we were supposed to work on. We always had split classes, because there were never quite enough kids to fill out an entire classroom. More like 10-15 for each grade. It was mostly fun times, although it was a lot better when we were younger. There was also an English side of the school, those which weren't in this program. We were always at war, French Fries vs. English Muffins. Around the time grade 7 hit, some of the guys decided to go on the bit of the edgier side, thinking that they were funny. I sort of followed with them too, it wasn't exactly my shining moment. Times where the entire class would hate on the librarian, and the days where all we wanted to do was get ready for high school.

High School was a bit of an interesting hit. There were finally enough kids to make it split into two different classes. I think there were about 35-36 kids in the grade. Grade 8 was an interesting year, where I was cut off from the majority of my classmates. I was only stuck with Nelson, Jordan and Sam. I didn't list Sam before because he soon after moved after this year. Needless to say, I was pretty boned. These kids were the ones who decided to suddenly become edgy and clever, using all their free time to make themselves look a lot smarter and pointing out faults in everything. I joined suit. It took a teacher to call them out on their BS to realize that I wasn't in a healthy friendship at all. They had the tendancy to make a huge deal of anything if you were wrong, even if it was the most miniscule fact. Three kids against one isn't good. I decided that I needed to stop.

So I thought I would hang out with the kids from the other French Immersion class. They are a group of nice people, but I didn't get to be friends with them quickly. They knew me as a kid who liked pointing out the faults in everything. Unfortunately, that totally boned me for what seems to be the rest of my high school years. I would often be sarcastic, grumpy and moody. Eventually, as a tradition, all the grade 8s in this school go to a horse ranch for the week. All the French Immersion kids went, and I had some of the most fun ever. Without all the needed stress of school, kids caught what I was really like.

Grade 9 and 10 are more of a transition year. In grade 9, the class was still split into two, but the groups were mixed together again. In grade 10, more kids had left, and all the group was stuck together. This was a pretty good thing, we could have more fun in class as a huge group. Although it did mean I'd have to continue sticking with a bunch of kids who think they're edgy, clever and smart. And a bunch of kids who are horribly obnoxious. I'm no angel either though, and I”m sure people in that class have a few words to say about me. The other huge point is that I transitioned from Volleyball as my main sport, to badminton. The volleyball scene in my town is really cliquey, you'd be surprised.

Some tragedy struck in grade 9 though. My mom had been sick for awhile, but it was mostly back pain. We found it odd, and I really wanted her to got a hospital. She refused though, so I bit my tongue. Eventually, when her friends at work caught wind of it, they forced her to go to the Emergency Room. My dad was out hunting at the time, and she didn't want to ruin his trip. When we learnt that it could be a tumour though, he quickly came home. It was an incredibly long year. My mom had to go down to Vancouver for treatment, leaving my sister and I up here for school. It was hard, really hard. I think it was about six weeks. The hardest part about it all was her being bald, she just didn't look like my mom. She looked like some weird sick lady. That was around Christmas 2009. She got better for awhile, but it just eventually got worse and worse. She passed away on August 7, 2010. It's almost been a year of recovery, but I'm still nowhere near close to being alright. It's an ongoing battle though, one that I'm completely determined to figure it out.

Appearance of the handle;

Right now? I stand at around 5-9”-5-9 ½”. I think. I haven't really taken the liberty to measure myself for a long time, nor am I really concerned about it. I'm only 16, and I think I still have a lot of time to grow. My ultimate goal in terms of height is to be about 6'0”. I think that I can make it happen. My dad says I take after the taller side of my family, so I'm gonna see how that all works out. I weigh around 160-165 lbs give or take. So I'm sort of solid, not a lot of people would assume I weight that much. I'm not fat either, there's still some, but certainly nothing that would contribute to that.

Um, I still sort of have a bit of a baby face I guess. I'm getting more mature looking though, especially since I can grow a bit of a beard now! I have brown hair, and it's in whichever style I decided to put it in. I wear it plain a lot, but I spike it a lot too. I've been looking into having it as a fauxhawk for awhile too. It's always short though, long hair just doesn't look good on men, I say. I also have brown eyes, and people say that I have a calming look in them. I'm often tired though, so there may be bags under my eyes. I spent a lot of money whitening my teeth, so those are nice and healthy too.

Concerning clothes, it's more likely than not that you're going to find me in a hoodie. I love hoodies, they're pretty much the greatest, easiest thing for me to wear. I own quite a few ranging from blue to grey. Other than that, you're just going to find me in a pair of jeans, and a T-shirt. I'm looking to branch out and look better though. I'm thinking of getting a few nice looking button up shirts, and wearing more sweatpants. I need a lot more of those. The only other thing of importance is that I have a red and black nautical star tattoo on my left calf.

Personality of the handle;

I'm a mixed bag. No, really.

To start if off, I'm happily gay. I'm out to my family, other than Stephanie, but that's because she doesn't understand that homosexual love is completely alright and natural. I'm going to work with her so that one day she will be able to understand, but that's going to take a long time. I'm out to all the kids in the French Immersion program, and by default a lot of the school knows. There are still tons of classmates and peers who are surprised when they find out. This being said, I'm not totally out. I'm still sort of uncomfortable telling adults that I'm gay. I don't know why, it's probably just that fear of being judged. It will come in time, I guess. I already tell most gay adults that I am, because they at least understand what I'm going through, right? The only thing I really hate is straight crushes, fuck that shit. That's just stupid, oh well. It's only happened like, once or twice, but I get over it easily.

Many people have told me that I'm somewhat of an old soul, a calm personality. To a good extent this is true. I'm not exactly a thrill seeker, and many people tell me that I'm mature for my age. Kids my age are all biking, snowboarding, doing whatever. I just sort of sit back and let them have their fun, I don't really mind. I find my fun in my own ways, even if it isn't exactly the most exciting to some people. I'm the sort of person that just sits back, so I tend to listen to people, and people tend to sort of mellow down? I've managed to say things and the right time, and teachers just stop with the anger.

A lot of the time though, due to my unhealthy habits, I'm going to be really tired. When I'm tired, it's sort of your cue to get the hell away. I'm in no way a morning person, and I'm actually incredibly cranky and moody when I'm tired. I say sarcastic remarks, and I'm generally just not a lot of fun to be around. The difference is absolutely astounding. When I'm unhappy, it's obvious. When I'm happy, I'm enjoyable to be around. Especially when I can just let loose and be myself.

It's not to say that I'm like that all the time. Quite the contrary, once I'm comfortable, I tend to be rather loud and talkative. I'm just a teenager, and I want to have fun too. I do find myself to have quite the sense of humour, when I'm allowed to use it anyways. I'm not exactly able to express myself for who I am around school. I love laughing, and when someone says something that's funny I'm not afraid to burst out in the middle of class. So what if people stare, I'm enjoying myself, and as long as it isn't a danger to anybody I don't see a problem with it.

I'm a lover, not a fighter. I'm also sort of a hopeless romantic, in the sense that I'd be happy if I ever found a boyfriend who was chivalrous and treated me like a loved one. I'm sort of lonely, and I'd love to have a relationship, haha. Along those thoughts though, I know I'm really busy and I'm not sure if I'd have the energy to devote myself to another person. It's such a tough call, both sides are really appealing. Oh well. I'm completely confident in myself that I'll find it out eventually.
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