
Jul 24, 2011 20:09

[At first, there's nothing visible on the feed, and the only thing audible is two moogles conversing.]

He looks dead if you ask me, kupo.

Maybe we should poke him with a stick and see if he moves, kupo?

Kupopopo! Not me! He looks shadier than a Treno pickpocket. You want a knife through the gut? Look at the weapons he's carrying!

I don't think he can attack anyone in that condition, kupo. I'm amazed he made it this far.

[Then the camera cuts the banks of the healing spring in what had formerly been Evil Forest. There's a trail of blood from the edge of the water, leading to a body entirely in black nearby, motionless and ravaged by multiple wounds. There's even a tear in his face mask, though it's not enough to reveal his identity. The only thing indicating the man is still alive is the shallowest rise and fall of his chest.]

Does anyone know this guy, kupo? I think he's a new arrival.

I think he's crazy, pulling himself out the healing spring like that. Does he have a death wish? We should shove him back in, kupo.

[Finally, the figure speaks. His voice is hoarse and fainter than is normal from blood loss, but his meaning is clear enough.]

Leave me...

Kupo! He's alive! Run! [The two startled moogles scurry to hide behind a tree, one of them still clutching the Sky Phone, and the feed ends.]

setzer gabbiani, terra branford, shadow, !video post, relm arrowny, locke cole

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