
Jul 09, 2011 17:19

[Relm's bedroom's changed a little since it was last seen on the skyphones. It resembles a chemistry lab more than anything. Someone's been playing around with that Chemist subclass. But none of it's about to explode. Because she's pretty single-minded about just making pigments. Everything is colourful - the walls, the floor, that one unfortunate ( Read more... )

rikku, ursula leiden, firion, !video post, relm arrowny, delita heiral, oerba dia vanille, lilisette

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[Video] petalwhirlwind July 9 2011, 16:36:57 UTC
...why do you want dead monsters?


[Video] intobrightness July 9 2011, 17:07:18 UTC
I can use bits of 'em to make pigment to paint with! An' sell what I can't use at market.


[Video] petalwhirlwind July 9 2011, 17:44:33 UTC
Oh! Well, that makes sense. As for people and places gone...I guess if you haven't seen them yourself, it won't work.

[Slight disappointment, but she wasn't expecting much to begin with.]


Re: [Video] intobrightness July 9 2011, 17:48:28 UTC
Nuh-uh! I can figure it out! You'd have to tell me things. Like what they look like and- and if you tell me stories about things then that'll help!


[Video] petalwhirlwind July 9 2011, 17:54:33 UTC
[She stares downward, pensive.]

So, if I told you about my parents....


[Video] intobrightness July 9 2011, 18:17:06 UTC
[There's a pang of- not quite pity. Empathy, maybe, understanding.]

You tell me what they looked like. An' then I'll try to picture 'em and do a bunch of sketches. And then I'll show you 'em and you can say 'the nose on that one's right, but the eyes are like the one on that one over there' until I get it right. Then you give me a few days to finish the painting, and I'll have 'em walk out of the picture so you can say your goodbyes.

...won't be real. But it'll feel real. Dunno if it'll be enough, but it might help.


[Video] petalwhirlwind July 9 2011, 18:45:16 UTC
[Ursula nods, uncertain what to think.]

It's...really tempting. What kind of monsters do you prefer?


[Video] intobrightness July 9 2011, 18:57:43 UTC
Kinds with shells are usually best for pigment. But you don't haveta bring anything if it's trouble.


[Video] petalwhirlwind July 9 2011, 19:18:02 UTC
[She shakes her head.]

It's not. I'm a monk; I'm used to fighting monsters.


Re: [Video] intobrightness July 9 2011, 19:23:46 UTC
You're a monk? Awesome! Can you suplex trains?


[Video] petalwhirlwind July 9 2011, 19:33:31 UTC
Can I...what?!?


Where did that come from?


[Video] intobrightness July 10 2011, 09:21:49 UTC
Last monk I knew could suplex trains! Big ones, filled all up with ghosts!


[Video] petalwhirlwind July 10 2011, 14:58:22 UTC
[Not quite what to think of that, but she's seen stranger things, so....]

They're not here, are they? I wouldn't mind learning from a teacher with those sort of credentials.


[Video] intobrightness July 10 2011, 18:21:02 UTC
[She shakes her head sadly.]

He went home. Just a little while ago.


[Video] petalwhirlwind July 10 2011, 18:43:42 UTC
I hope he'll return, then.


[Video] intobrightness July 11 2011, 01:51:51 UTC
Me too. I miss him.

Oh! Oh! But if you want, I could draw him! I dunno for sure what he did but I could show you how it looked! Then you could figure it out, how he did monk stuff, right?


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