
Jul 03, 2011 18:21

[Eiko is busy rushing around her room, gathering flutes and rackets from every nook and cranny imaginable. There's some distressed kupos from moogles fluttering around. One of them finally works up the courage to tell her 'Lady Eiko, it's on.' The child whips around and slaps her hands on her hips in true bossy fashion.]

All summoners are to report ( Read more... )

denzel, yuna, sephiroth, oerba yun fang, serah farron, rydia of mist, !video post, eiko carol, rishfee, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros

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[Action] glorious_mercy July 3 2011, 23:36:33 UTC
[While Eiko is a flurry of action and emotion, her guardian is calm and collected and has stationed himself right in front of the only viable exit to the room unless you happen to possess wings of any sort to take you out the window.

Watching the girl with something of partial amusement at the way she's darting all over gathering things as if she was herself a general preparing for a war campaign, he waited silently for her to notice him and explain just where she thought she was going to go with all of those items she was collecting.]


[Action] lastsummoner July 4 2011, 00:42:35 UTC
[That feeling of being watched? Eiko is having it. She pauses mid-trot and peers over her shoulder to find Sephiroth just... standing there.]

Get a move on. We've got an Eidolon to tame.


[Action] glorious_mercy July 4 2011, 01:19:40 UTC
[We're doing a rather good impression of a wall here, except perhaps wall's couldn't grace the bossy princess with a slightly raised eyebrow of inquiry.]

I assume we're not asking permission from your father to take this journey across the world to do this taming?


[Action] lastsummoner July 4 2011, 02:06:16 UTC
Of course not. This is sacred summoner business.

[Pointing at the door now.]

Stop dawdling. We gotta go.


[Action] glorious_mercy July 4 2011, 02:56:35 UTC
[Still not moving...yet anyway.]

Don't you think you ought to at least ask me if I care to be a part of this venture?

[Oh he's definitely going, but they have time he thinks to perhaps get his point across that he's technically in charge of just where she goes off to when she's not with her family.]


[Action] lastsummoner July 4 2011, 06:02:21 UTC
[Impatient child is now casting Float on the general to try to get him moving, even if it's only a couple inches off the ground.]

But why? I already know you'll go with me. That's what we agreed to, right? We're a team. I'll even let you in the Eidolon Wall, although you're not supposed to at all.


[Action] glorious_mercy July 4 2011, 06:16:23 UTC
I'm trying to tell you that you shouldn't just assume people are going to do something you want or that you think they might do on past experience. It can lead you into trouble.

...now if you would cease casting magic on me, we can begin our exit strategy so that your father doesn't decide to intercede on this matter. [Though he had an idea the Regent might be too busy with the business of Garland and the Chaos shrine to think of browsing the network and see Eiko's all call for summoners. One could hope anyway.]


[Action] lastsummoner July 4 2011, 06:40:01 UTC
You mean like a secret escape?

[Somehow this makes the whole affair less worry and more fun and Eiko approves. As for the lesson, it'll probably take a few more attempts.]


[Action] glorious_mercy July 4 2011, 07:14:52 UTC
[He has time to try again later, eventually he hopes it'll soak in and be acknowledged. For know he merely nods in response to the question.]

Yes. I'm sure you know how to leave the castle in such a way it doesn't draw any attention to the fact we're actually leaving the castle grounds.

The guards can't report to your father about your absence if they don't know you've left, right?


[Action] lastsummoner July 5 2011, 02:16:35 UTC

Oh... I know!!

[Eiko whips out a flute, trills a quick tune, and summons Carbuncle. The little fox flips in the air, and rather than bathing the two of them in Ruby Light, it's Diamond Light. In a matter of moments both summoner and guardian are invisible.]

This way!

[Nothing more interesting than watching a door open with no one in sight.]


[Action] glorious_mercy July 5 2011, 05:20:31 UTC
[Well that explained a lot really, he resolved to keep this in mind for whenever it happened without him involved it. As he had pointed out once already, he could keep her safe if he couldn't keep track of her. If she ever felt the need to sneak off without him and he saw things moving without any obvious cause, then he would have a very likely explanation just how it was happening.

Silently he followed her since he had no way of knowing if the spell rendered those around incapable of hearing them as it did them seeing them. He rather doubted it though personally.]


[Action] lastsummoner July 5 2011, 18:46:13 UTC
[Unfortunately, Eiko's little footsteps can still be heard on the carpeting, causing more than one guard to turn around to peer behind them. Whoops. Best to hurry to the airship docks and get on one before they become visible again.]


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