[ Video / Action in Alexandria / Filtered to close friends and family ]

Jun 27, 2011 18:40

[When the video starts up, it's inside the cabin of an airship. A personal one, by the looks of it, with a bed. The one taking the video seems to be lying on said bed, and the video is angled sideways. There is a little blond baby sleeping under a much smaller blanket, the end of a fuzzy blond tail poking out from underneath. Garnet's hand reaches into the frame to adjust the blanket, before turning the phone around to face herself. She's lying on her back, with her hair spread out on the comforter. She looks... maybe a little sleepy, and she talks very softly.]

I just wanted to thank everyone, for their hospitality and well wishes the past few weeks. Words can't really express my gratitude, but, I thought I should try, none-the-less. Everything has worked out wonderfully, and I'm almost sad to be going home. I'm glad that we were at least able to make it for the wedding in Luca. [she smiles] Tidus, Yuna, if I didn't say it enough before, congratulations. I hope everything goes well for you. You both deserve it.

[She pauses, eyes drifting to the side. Is Amber awake--? Hm, no, but she can't seem to stop checking. another brief reach out of the frame, before she turns her attention back to the video.] We should be arriving in Alexandria soon. Another hour, maybe. I can't believe it's been a month since we left. So much has happened... so much is still happening. I wonder, if anyone I know has decided to leave, or how much longer that portal is going to be open. [She shifts] I hope that if any of you decide to leave, you'll say goodbye first. [and then, a yawn] But I think I'll say good bye for now. I really shouldn't waste this opportunity for a nap.

[End feed]

[OOC: This is kinda back-dated to a day or two after Tidus and Yuna's wedding. For anyone who wants to action-tag, feel free to forward-date it as far as you'd like. This is just to serve as a general place holder.]

rydia of mist, terra branford, adelbert steiner, raine loire, rosa farrell, !video post, zidane tribal, delita heiral, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros

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