[Action in Luca]

Jun 22, 2011 09:53

[Change has certainly been in the air for awhile now. First Wakka's own arrival in Gaia, followed by Lulu's arrival with Vidina, their moving into a place of their own, Tidus and Yuna's wedding... it's been a busy month for all of them, and that's even without considering the myrrh collection that's supposed to be going on. Having spent the better part of his morning unpacking the last of their admittedly few belongings, Wakka had been allowed time alone with his thoughts since breakfast. It was precisely what he needed in order to sort out what he had been planning to speak to Lulu about.

Having finished with the unpacking, he searched the house for her -- finding her without much difficulty, as the place wasn't very big to begin with. Vidina has been put down for his nap, meaning they'll be uninterrupted, at least for a short while.]

Hey, Lu? Are you busy?

lulu, wakka, !action post

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