[Phone Calls/ Action in Narshe]

Jun 21, 2011 14:52

[Basch is a busy busy man, and on his list of duties, he has phone calls.

The first is to Lightning.

Second is to Balthier.

Third is to Ashe.

Fourth is to Noah.

Now that those were done, he'll take the time to wander Narshe a bit.]

balthier, !phone call, basch fon ronsenburg, gabranth, !action post, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca

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[Phone Call] mademyresolve June 22 2011, 17:42:21 UTC

[Forgive her abrupt reply, Captain. There's much on this princess' mind, and she didn't check the caller ID.]


[Phone Call] bearitproudly June 23 2011, 20:14:52 UTC
Your Majesty. Did I call at an inopportune time?


[Phone Call] mademyresolve June 24 2011, 16:57:15 UTC
[Ashe makes a small sound of acknowledgement upon identifying her former protector, from whose company she had only taken leave not long ago. She sounds... tired.]

No... I can speak freely. Your return from the Tomb came without complication?


[Phone Call] bearitproudly June 25 2011, 23:58:34 UTC
Aye. Thank you for your concern.

I have called to make sure that your return trip was without complication.


[Phone Call] mademyresolve June 27 2011, 09:50:18 UTC
[She almost corrects him for thanking her - there is no need, not for a gesture of friendship. But then honour is the path he walks, and she understands that.]

I did not return to Warjilis after departing the Tomb. Alongside Mjrn I made for the Orbonne Monastery to locate the tree there and retrieve yet more Myrrh.


[Phone Call] bearitproudly June 28 2011, 20:56:07 UTC
So soon after?

[There's almost a disapproving tone in his voice. Almost.] Were there any others that accompanied you?


[Phone Call] mademyresolve June 30 2011, 16:03:53 UTC
[She hears that almost disapproval, but knows it's only his protectiveness of her which is responsible.]

Delita came with me. We... found something else other than Myrrh within - A Lucavi Stone. Nethicite.

With the Sword of Kings I destroyed it.


[Phone Call] bearitproudly June 30 2011, 18:11:21 UTC
Then Delita has my thanks for protecting you.

[Delita. He's spoken with the knight only once, and something about the man had irked him then. He should be happy that he is doing what Basch cannot at the moment, but he still feels like something is off. He doesn't voice the opinion.]

Better it be destroyed than it cause more havoc.


[Phone Call] mademyresolve July 1 2011, 17:40:36 UTC
[Far from feeling something is off, Ashe has solidified her friendship with the young knight through their ordeal within the monastery.]

I shall convey them, for he has meant only to protect me.

[Protection which included failing to tell her about the Nethicite, but they've reached an understanding over that.]

It is my hope that all the stones will meet the same fate - but tell me, you are returned to Narshe?


[Phone Call] bearitproudly July 4 2011, 18:01:45 UTC
It would bring much relief if all the stones were destroyed.

[He clears his throat for a moment.]

I am. I could not be relieved of my duties for so long. It is unfortunate I could not accompany you to the Monastery.


[Phone Call] mademyresolve July 5 2011, 09:25:39 UTC
That is my hope, yes. Upon my arrival in Warjilis, I mean to convey my intent to Edgar and the Regent.

There may be another opportunity.

[Her tone finishes that sentence with 'I hope it comes soon.']


[Phone Call] bearitproudly July 13 2011, 04:25:38 UTC
Perhaps I can find time away from my duties here to come visit you in Warjilis. Things are quiet in Narshe.


[Phone Call] mademyresolve July 14 2011, 18:18:33 UTC
[There's a small smile in her voice.]

... I would like that.


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