
Jun 15, 2011 01:01

[Once Rydia's taught him how to use the skyphone and he's eaten and rested off his fatigue, it's actually the morning of the next day -- he appears to have skipped one. With a startled sound he rouses himself and looks to the device, deciding to try his luck at locating a certain someone. He's not enabling video. He knows how to, but it's quite a ( Read more... )

!voice post, ursula leiden, excenmille m aurchiat, edward 'edge' geraldine, mjrn, hope estheim, lilisette, squall leonhart

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[Voice] futurefab June 15 2011, 00:28:18 UTC
Thank you, Count. Your words mean much. I've not yet seen Rahal or any manner of Orc. But you can rest easy knowing I am still searching and am on my guard.

Are you faring better now? You sound as much. I should be by soon to pick you up. [If she survives.] The royal family of Troia bear striking resemblance in hair color to yourself.

Perhaps, if he were to be caught in the spell, he would be taken there?


[Voice] scarletgriffon June 15 2011, 00:38:24 UTC
....His suspicion levels are currently over nine thousand, but he's kept silent all this time for good reason. He's just willing himself to keep it buttoned even though hey, he's starting to get slightly creeped out...]

...I should think that if commander Maxcimille was here, he would have located Rahal and contacted me by now...

[The strange dragoon in the crimson armor? Indestructible. There's no way in all hells he's worried over his well-being. More like worried for anyone he came across. Jumping worlds must have put him in the foulest of moods, if he's even here.
Saying that...
In his mind, whoever casted the spell must know of their victims. So surely, they'd know putting that elvaan in a foul mood would be suicide.Thank you for your concern, I am much recovered. I offer counsel over the orc of which I fear may be here. He is gifted with our words. And he is ( ... )


[Voice] futurefab June 15 2011, 01:06:25 UTC
[SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU LITTLE RABBIT. Maybe you shouldn't cause such a fuss in the capital and then she wouldn't have to hear about Excenmille and his Griffons all the Goddess-forsaken time. Especially when Lieutenant Dieuffon and Altennia came to the Tavern.]

Commander Maxcimille? [That name isn't familiar to her. And she has a sinking suspicion about it. Could he have somehow...]

Excenmille, did you... Is it possible you traveled through a Cavernous Maw?

[She has to know, since those are now her jurisdiction. Or... they were supposed to be.]

Since everyone is now aware of the Orc's possible presence, it should be all right. We'll keep searching, though. And we'll stay on top of our defenses.

As far as why Rahal could be taken to Troia, it is much like San d'Oria. Though it lacks the splendor of our home, the castle walls and its defenses are the closest I've felt to our homeland since I arrived here. It is also watched over and protected by paladins. Rahal would likely feel at home there as well.


[Voice] scarletgriffon June 15 2011, 16:36:39 UTC
[Hey, it's little wonder word gets around! He has, after all, saved the royal family, took on a behemoth and won, saved multiple units of the army, formed an alliance with a gigas, and killed Kingslayer Doggvdegg, something even the royal army cowered from!
But the fact Lilisette doesn't seem to know about one thing startles him.]

...Yes. The one who sought to teach me. He wears armor that was forged by abjuration with a dragon. He reminds me of father. But his ire is worse. He is much harder to please, too.

[He looks distant a moment, and then scratches his head. He can't really remember...]
I knew someone who knew of the maws. Zogbog... seemed to know of them as well. He made a copy of my father to lure me into a trap. He wished to go to the future, and held me as a hostage for that aim. I could not even understand what he was babbling about, especially when he started speaking of revenge for his clan. Then I was knocked out... Rahal...

[You cannot see it, but he's currently wibblefacing. But hey. It's Excenmille. After wibble ( ... )


[Voice] futurefab June 15 2011, 22:07:30 UTC
[As soon as she heard Excenmille's description of this "Maxcimille," Lilisette knew what had transpired. She brought a hand up to rub at her temples; she knew adventurers had traversed the Maws, but those without strength were quickly defeated and consumed by Atomos. It was a wonder he made it back and forth in one piece...

And yet, she couldn't help but snicker at the thought.]

What an obvious name he used... You truly didn't draw any connections, Excenmille? Between that man and yourself...

[She shakes her head with a soft sigh; it isn't her place to reveal something like this.]

In any case, you need not worry. If that man was looking after you, I'm certain he saved you both. He's always had a strong hatred for Orcs, and would do anything for his country. All of those in his unit are the same.

I'm glad to hear you're in accord. There are those in Troia who can also offer you training while we search for a way home.


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