[video | filtered to the warriors of the god's war. 012 and 013.]

Jun 10, 2011 00:14

[Jecht's general cheeriness isn't present: not today. Today he's all business, all seriousness, as he sits, Sky Phone placed on the floor and looking up at him, somewhat reminiscent of the spheres he left behind on Spira for his son.

A rehearsed conversation, then? You'd be guessing right. He's set up the appropriate filters - to all the Warriors of Cosmos he already knew, and to those he's remembered - Lightning, Kain, Laguna, Tifa, Vaan (though he doesn't register as being on Gaia), and... Yuna - and those of Chaos he's made peace with from the thirteenth cycle, namely, Golbez and Gabranth. Even though the feed has started, Jecht still doesn't say a word, fidgeting, instead. After a minute or so, he finally does speak.]

I've been thinkin' of all the ways to put this. Yer'd... think I'd have figured out what exactly to say with all the time, but, no... not got there yet.

... guess I'll give yer'all the simple version.

The God's war. [A pause.] Y'all know I was on Chaos. But there were bits and pieces that I remembered. Stuff that didn't fit in with the rest. Eventually I got to figurin' a couple of things...

There was another cycle. And that cycle, I was with Cosmos. One of 'er warriors.

[Another pause.] ... everythin' else? Huh. No idea. But it's been comin' back, and now it's all up here. [He indicates his head with a hand.] Who was there, who was fightin'... how I changed to being one of Chaos' pawns.

The Emperor, an' Chaos. [The name earns a scoff.

As to how it lead to that, though, he doesn't say. Jecht tries a few times to say that part, but... comes up with nothing. And... even though this is another of those times that it's terrible to inarticulate about feelings for, on this occasion, he won't say it. He's proud to have saved his son. Proud of what his son achieved. Proud of Yuna, too. Even though that's how he does feel, he says nothing. There's something he needs to know, first.]

Kid? We need to talk. Now.

[And, the feed ends.]

yuna, firion, terra branford, !video post, jecht, laguna loire, lightning farron, gabranth, squall leonhart, kain highwind

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