[text - filtered from the bad guys/action in Troia]

May 28, 2011 19:15

[ Today is not a normal day. Rosa wakes up to an empty bed. Her first thought is that Cecil's up early, so she simply goes through her normal routine, washing up, getting dressed. Once she's finally ready, she begins searching for him, just to see how his morning is going so far. When she can't immediately find him is when she starts to worry, but ( Read more... )

rydia of mist, ursula leiden, ceodore harvey, edward 'edge' geraldine, zidane tribal, lilisette, leonora, kain highwind, frimelda lotice, terra branford, rosa farrell, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, jecht, !text message, tidus, !action post, golbez

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[Voice] futurefab May 29 2011, 00:50:16 UTC
Your Majesty! What... What does this mean?

[She hasn't been on Gaia long enough to know, but if the king is missing... What do! She was only gone for a couple of weeks.]


[text] byhissidealways May 29 2011, 01:11:51 UTC
[ She hates this part. ]

...Cecil has returned home.


[text] futurefab May 29 2011, 01:35:42 UTC
[Her fingers can hardly keep up with her thoughts, but she wants to respect the Queen's wishes if she only wants to use text.]

He simply disappeared? My apologies, Your Majesty. I'll return to Troia as soon as I'm able.


[text] byhissidealways May 29 2011, 20:41:22 UTC
[ More that Rosa doesn't trust her voice right now. ]

That is what it seems. Gaia has given him up.

Please... do not change your schedule just for this. I will be all right.

[ So many other people have already told her they will come. ]


[text] futurefab May 29 2011, 21:01:42 UTC
I would rather be in Troia with your family than anywhere else on Gaia. I will see you soon.

[A minor slip of formalities. But Cecil is like a makeshift father to her, and she knows he'd want Rosa well protected in his absence. She's already figuring out the fastest route back.]


[text] byhissidealways May 29 2011, 21:04:04 UTC
[ Rosa's not one for formalities, anyway. She barely knows the other woman, but she's grateful all the same. It means a lot to her. ]

Thank you, then... I am fortunate to have so many people so willing to help.


[text] -> [action] futurefab May 29 2011, 21:34:03 UTC
I'll simply do what I'm able, for you and your family.

[And she's finally on an airship, coming back. She hits the ground running, and only really has to talk her way past a couple of guards before she's at Rosa's door. She's hesitant to bother the queen, but she finally knocks.]


[action] byhissidealways May 30 2011, 15:50:41 UTC
[ Rosa just waits for the knock. It seems that everyone's coming to see her for this and she appreciates the support. ]

Lilisette... was it?

[ She remembers fighting alongside the other girl, but they've never really spoken before. So, she's hesitant to allow the woman into her private suite, but she does take her first steps out of the room, shutting the door behind her. ]

Thank you for coming.


[action] futurefab May 30 2011, 19:11:54 UTC
[Lili bows to the queen and then nods. She knows she still has a long way to go to win the trust of the royal family, but she still wishes to be there for them in their times of need.]

Is there anything I can do for you, Your Majesty? I'll do anything in my power.

[She would offer the woman a hug, but she feels there are others here more capable of offering personal condolences. She'll settle for being able to take action for her instead.]


[action] byhissidealways June 1 2011, 21:45:57 UTC
[ Just being here to lend her help is doing more than Rosa can say. ]

Thank you... Troia...

[ She shakes her head mutely for a moment and tries to get her mind to work. ]

Would you... [ a soft breath. ] We have not spoken previously, have we? Perhaps you and I could take a walk around the courtyard?

[ It will help her to get away from everything and focus on something else entirely. ]


[action] futurefab June 1 2011, 21:55:40 UTC
I would be honored. [She offers Rosa a small curtsy and a smile.]

I apologize for not making myself available to you before now. I am quite taken with the nobility and the bravery of your family.

[She'll follow Rosa; she can't bring herself to walk in front of a queen.] You are very well versed in white magic! I must confess I'm in awe of your abilities.


[action] byhissidealways June 2 2011, 15:43:48 UTC
[ Still not used to being addressed like that here, Rosa merely offers a smile. This woman seems genuinely concerned and for that, she's grateful. She starts off down the corridor, but she's sure to keep Lilisette at her side and not behind her too much. She doesn't like that feeling of being in front of her companion. ]

We do what we can to help make Gaia a better place to live. [ And always have. ] It is the least we can do for everyone's kindness to us.

I have trained since I was young. I always knew I would be a White Mage and wanted nothing else. What is it that you do, your specialty?


[action] futurefab June 2 2011, 18:08:31 UTC
I'm a dancer. [But she realizes that might not have the best of connotations in the city where the King's Bounty is located.] In my world we've learned how to spellweave with our bodies. Things like healing or fortifying one's defenses can be achieved through dances. It's not merely for show.

My mother taught me when I was young as well, just as my father taught me the ways of the world. He was a paladin in his time; a very noble man. I lost him when I was ten, but seeing so many of the same virtues in your family as he tried to instill in me... It helps me to feel at home again.

[She didn't want Rosa to think anything untoward had gone on with Ceodore as Cecil had assumed, but now she knew she was talking too much. And once she started rambling she had trouble stopping.]


[action] byhissidealways June 4 2011, 15:44:55 UTC
[ Rosa has learned not to write anything off right away. So she just nods and listens. ] I know of another who does the same. Penelo. She taught me a dance when I was here before.

[ A smile graces her lips at the next part. She knows of Ceodore's feelings for Ursula and also that he has higher morals than to hurt her. ] Then I am glad we are able to do that for you. Know that you are always welcome in Troia. And... I appreciate your willingness now. [ Her willingness to help someone she barely knows means a lot to Rosa. ]


[action] futurefab June 4 2011, 18:50:58 UTC
[It doesn't happen often, but Lili's a bit too flustered to say anything. To her it's only natural to be willing to do anything for your king and queen, but it's not often it's appreciated. If her father could see her now...]

Th-thank you, Your Majesty. I'm honored.

[She considers lifting her hands to hide her flushed cheeks, but in the end merely bows her head for a moment.]

How is Prince Ceodore faring? And Lady Ursula, too, of course.


[action] byhissidealways June 4 2011, 18:57:28 UTC
Please, call me Rosa. [ She knows it's not that easy to separate titles, but she prefers her given name to any title of nobility. ]

They are managing the news as best they can. It is difficult for all of us, but not something we cannot rise above.

[ While hoping the whole time for Cecil's return. ]


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