[ Action in Luca ]

May 15, 2011 00:29

[Though the Lunar Cry meant having to shift priorities for a little while, there are certain matters that Wakka has decided absolutely must be taken care of before any more time goes by. Mainly that he has to get the hell out of Tidus' house, because he's tired of having to try to beat Onion Knight to the best pieces of toast in the morning, and mainly because he can't handle all the... bumps in the night that happen over there. It's not that he's not grateful for their hospitality. He is. But there are certain things a man shouldn't know about his family, let alone have to explain them to a twelve-year-old with a crazy feathered hat the next morning.

Besides. Now Lu was here, too. They needed their own space. Which was why he had asked her to walk down to this end of the city with him after breakfast today. He smiled, crossing his arms over his chest as he turned to face her.]

Alright. Close your eyes, ya? It's a surprise.

lulu, wakka, !action post

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