[Video/Action just outside Mysidia]

May 04, 2011 15:48

[A blond young man with a scar across his face is leaning in towards the screen, fiddling with it before stepping back and gripping the handle of his gunblade tightly in one hand, with a... fishing rod?... in the other. The phone seems to be propped up on a rock, as he is seen stepping back and the camera captures the seen at a slightly slantwise angle.

He glances back at the screen ever so often, even as he is fighting off the swarm of monsters, many of them Gaylas, an irritant he seems to be well accustomed to. He slices with his sword while flailing with the rod, seemingly using it as a bludgeoning tool, and had you not seen it in the video feed, you would not believe it.

He glares at the camera, obviously somewhat aware of what had happened to cause such a mass outbreak of monsters.]

I don't know who the hell you managed to piss off this time, Ice Princess, but HYNE-DAMN IT, Leonhart! This! [He gestures widely at the swarm of monsters] is NOT MY BLOODY FAULT this time!

[Seemingly tired of the onslaught, and done with shouting at the video, Seifer tosses up his gunblade with a whirl, punches out as mass of flame that appears to be the spell Firaga, before neatly catching Hyperion on its return trip down and lunging forward into the fray of half-charred monsters.]

seifer almasy, mjrn, !video post, rinoa heartilly, quistis trepe, laguna loire, !action post, porom, squall leonhart

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