
May 03, 2011 07:54

[What comes on the screen can only be found in one place on Gaia, the deepest point inside the Iifa Tree on the broad platform now used to view the Farplane. But the focus isn't on the flower field hovering in the distance on the far end of the platform, but rather the sheer expanse and depth beneath the tree proper, and what looks like a coursing ( Read more... )

leuda selkies, rosa farrell, !video post, dr. aki ross, refia, yuffie kisaragi, oerba dia vanille, tifa lockhart, tseng, porom, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros

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[video] championofwutai May 4 2011, 16:13:50 UTC
What? It went into the Lifestream?


[video] tidesnpcs May 4 2011, 16:30:20 UTC
-It looks that way.

-Hey there! You know something about that lifething down there?


-Yeah fine. Let her answer.


[video] championofwutai May 4 2011, 16:39:28 UTC
Yeah. The Lifestream's from my world. It's like... the spirit of the Planet. When we're born, a little piece of the Lifestream resides in us, and when we die, it goes back.


[video] tidesnpcs May 4 2011, 17:03:23 UTC
-Huh. Sounds like our Great Crystal, before it was destroyed.

-Our memories go back to the Crystal, you see.


[video] championofwutai May 7 2011, 06:33:25 UTC
Sounds like they may be the same.


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