041 - Rinoa - Action near Burmecia, open to Galbadia Garden people

May 02, 2011 21:40

[As promised to Rydia, Rinoa has piloted the Garden over to Burmecia. They've been picking up refugees along the way - mostly rats, those who fled the city in time, all of them now tragically homeless. It's one of the saddest things she's ever seen.

Now they've reached the Burmecian coast. Rinoa stops on the shore and scans the sea from her vantage point on the bridge. Somewhere out there is the island Rydia was trapped on.

She heads for the gate. She knows they have to be careful, because this part of the Mist Continent is literally crawling with monsters, and Garden's already on high alert. They can't open the entrance for long.

She calls Rydia.]

Rydia? We're here!

quistis trepe, !phone call, rydia of mist, !action post, rinoa heartilly, squall leonhart

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