
May 01, 2011 02:33

[Since arriving in Alexandria, Sabin's been getting reacquainted with the people of Gaia. Busy crawling the heavily damaged streets of the capital, the prince has been trying to dig up information but has only turned up little bits of local gossip instead. It has him frowning heavily before coming across something... strange.

And Sabin's seen a lot of strange things but a giant green and orange, zebra striped egg on the outskirts of the city, takes the cake. Suspecting that the egg was a product of the Lunar Cry, he doesn't take any chances before whatever is inside this egg can hatch and do more damage to an already damaged city. A lot of places on Gaia were damaged from the Lunar Cry and if he could, he'll do everything in his power to help those in need. It's merely a matter of Sabin being true to himself. The power to protect has always been strong in him as he hauls the giant egg off the ground and begins to walk out of the city.

The further away he gets from the city, the better it'll be for everybody there. Eventually, he settles the egg at the bottom of a large, grassy hill and takes a few moments to flip open his Skyphone and starts recording a video. The feed eventually settles into a steady motion before he begins speaking.]

Anybody happen to know what the hell a giant egg was doing in Alexandria? I've removed it from the town in case it decides to do something funny. Otherwise, if someone happens to have a large cast-iron frying pan in their possession, we've likely got enough egg here to feed quite a few people.

Or is this like the Zodiac stone that I found when I first arrived? Delita, if you're still around, do you recognize my prize here? Any takers? Anybody hungry? I'm not the best cook but I know how to fry eggs pretty well!

[ooc: Sabin's received a Mystery Egg as his starter task and it's going to crack soon! I haven't decided what's going to be inside of it quite yet but replies will be coming sometime tomorrow night! This post is open to everybody in

oerba yun fang, rydia of mist, sabin rene figaro, terra branford, edgar figaro, !video post, delita heiral, penelo, eiko carol, cecil harvey, !action post

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